83: Ride on Shooting Star

Start from the beginning

"They say if you see a shooting star, you're supposed to make a wish." Kyōjurō explains, glancing back at his young kōhai.

"There are many stories told about wishes being granted when you see a shooting star in the night sky. Why don't you give it a try? Quick, before the opportunity passes."

Tanjirō was taken aback by this.

A falling star that grants a wish?

He'd never heard of such a thing. No one's ever told him that before.

Tanjirō vaguely remembers his father telling him that the stars were the souls of those who'd passed, shining high and above the heavens and watching over them. He often liked believed that some of those stars were his deceased family and ancestors looking down on him.

Returning his attention to the night sky, Tanjirō pondered over what to wish for?

There weren't too many things that he really wanted, but there were a few ideas did come to mind; for example, wishing Nezuko can be human again or that the world was free of demons.

"I wish-"

"Don't!" Kyōjurō suddenly says, as he quickly silenced the boy. "If you say your wish out loud, it won't come true." He tells him.

"You have to say it up here," Kyōjurō points a finger to his head. "And keep it in here," he then places a hand over his chest, where his heart is.

A wish that Tanjirō had to keep to himself?

Taking Kyōjurō's words to heart, the young Slayer tilted his head upwards and towards the sky, before closing his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he curled his fingers and gripped onto the fabric of his pant legs and made his wish.

'I wish for, that no matter what happens, things would be normal again.'

Once done, Tanjirō opened his eyes and glances back at Kyōjurō, who was still smiling at him.

"Umm..aren't you going to make a wish too, Rengoku-san?" He couldn't help but ask.

A joyful laugh leaves the Flame Hashira, "Bwahaha~ all of my wishes have already been granted, Kamado my boy." Kyōjurō replies, before standing.

"I have a beautiful wife and a son. And I couldn't wish for anything else; I have everything I ever wanted. My lovely Snow Flower has brought me nothing but happiness and love from the moment I first laid my eyes on her!" Kyōjurō's laughter is a blessed sound to Tanjirō's ears.

Something he could listen to all day.

Though, they were all still in a time of war, however Kyōjurō will always continue to be a happy individual no matter what. He's both strong and optimistic, and always shows empathy for the weak.

Some may consider happiness and love a weakness, but Kyōjurō draws his strength from it.

And that's something Tanjirō truly admires about his senpai.

The man...is just too perfect.

"Corrospondance for Rengoku Kyoujuro! Squawk~correspondence for Rengoku Kyōjurō!"

Suddenly came a loud raspy voice from overhead as both Kyōjurō and Tanjirō stopped in glanced up to see a Kusugai crow.

It was holding an envelope in its talons as the black bird flew towards Kyōjurō. "Squawk~ correspondence for Rengoku Kyōjurō!" It said again.

Kyōjurō reached hand out and the crow dropped the envelope into his awaited hand, before flying away.

Tanjirō sat quietly as the Flame Hashira opened it, pulling out a letter and scanned his eyes over it, reading it. He watched Kyōjurō's smile fade as his gaze narrowed slightly, before closing the letter.

"What is it, Rengoku-san?" Tanjirō asked, silently hoping everything's alright.

Releasing a sigh, Kyōjurō gave a small smile, before turning to face his young kōhai.

"I've been summoned for a mission."

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now