"Oh, shouldn't be too hard, right Y/n?"

"Yep, we'll be able to find her in no time. But we could use a place to start"

"The serpents den. A male strip club, it's her favorite. Highest bet she'll be there."

"Oh.... alright."

"You think you'll be able to handle that Y/n? I can go in and you can wait outside"

"No. I have to do this. I can do this."

"There's the confident little man I love"

"Alright, you two know what to do so leave. I want none of the trouble you're going to bring if you continue with this plan of yours"

And with that Y/n and Beelzebub exit Theseus' house and search for Modeus. They find the place that Theseus talked about and went inside. Y/n's senses were overloaded with the blaring lights and the loud music but he steeled himself and they traveled further in. They passed by some girls who tried tempting Y/n to join them before one of the strippers there told them to stop

"Sorry about them little man, they can be a bit much. You look like you need help anything I can do for ya?"

"Well, yeah actually we're looking for someone. Have you seen Modeus around here?"

"What in lucifers hell are you doing looking for her? Not to be mean little brotha but you are not the type of man to handle her"

"Nononono it's not like that. She has information that we want and we need that information quickly"

"Well she has a room in the back but it's tightly guarded. But I'm sure you'll be able to get in there. Good luck little dude"

"Thanks man"

"Name's Tyrell btw"

"Nice to meet ya Tyrell, the name's Y/n"

"Aight, see ya brotha"

"See you around"

Y/n and Beel make their way to the back and find a door that says 'Modeus' room' with a large burly man in front of it

"Excuse me, sir, do you think you could move? We need to see Modeus urgently"

"Beat it you little shit. You shouldn't be here, there's a weenie hut junior right down the block child. And what is a chick like you hanging with a dweeb like him anyways? You should be with me-"

As he finished his statement his body started to fill and swarm with bugs and other insects. They all exploded out of his eyes and mouth. He could feel intense disease tearing away at his flesh. He slowly crumpled and disintegrated into nothingness as the swarm flew off into the nothingness


"Let's just go in before anyone notices"

Y/n and Beel step into the room to find Modeus, not having sex surprisingly, but reading a romance novel. Her face Beet red as she flips through the pages.

"Excuse me? Modeus?"

Modeus looks up from her pages and saw Y/n and immediately leaped from her bed and tried to pounce on Y/n. Fortunately for him Beel was there to hold her back

"You. Me. Now. It's why you came right?"

"No Modeus. We came cause we need information"

"B-Beelzebub!? What are you doing here? And how did you-"

"Doesn't matter now will you be helpful or not?"

"Fine. Put me down."

Beelzebub sets Modeus down and Y/n explained the plan to find Minos. While withholding what they wish to do with him once they find him

"So you want to use me as some sort of compass pointing you in the exact direction of the corpse of King Minos?"

"Nonono. We just want you to lead us to him. We can help you out in return....... not like that"

"Hmmm, alright. I'll help you. But only because you seem so...... familiar"

"Oh? And why might that be?"

"...... I met a man not too long ago. I believe his name was Sam. He was on a single-minded mission, or a warpath if he was left alive, but who he talked about? The description fits with alot of what you look like"

"Sam was here? What did he do?"

"He was bursting with rage. Nothing to hold him back as severed all ties with us as he made it to Lucifer's office. I assume he died in the battle against Thor but..... it seems I was wrong"

"Sam is dead but that's not what we're here for. We need your to help us get to Minos"


Modeus closes her book and leads Y/n and Beel out of the establishment and towards


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