[ Chapter 57 : Claws & Bites ]

Start from the beginning

I look on the wooden floor where I notice more scratches are on it, there's no bloody prints of any sorts other than the family. I notice a trail of blood and follow it to another room, pointing my arrow first before going in when I hear a squeak.

" Hello? " I step in.

" Anyone there?, We're the army, we're here to help " I said and the blood trail keeps going.

I approach the carpet which is slightly out of place and put down my bow and arrow before pulling the carpet away. A trap door is right there and I hear muffled sounds, I open it quickly and about to grab my bow when I stop to only see a dead cat. My eyes averted to the floor again where I see more claw marks but it's some how leading up to the wall and up to the ceiling.

I start to notice bloody paw prints all over the place on the ceiling, not the walls or floor.

" Y/n "

I grab my bow and arrow then turn around ready to shoot when I stop myself to see Declan standing there with with his hands up, one sword in hand facing down.

" Sorry " I said and lower my bow.

" I thought you were it " I said.

" No your good, it's a good reflex, I was checking up on you if you find anything " he said.

I sigh in relief to the thought that I didn't shoot him.

" Whatever the creature is, it climbs " I gesture to the ceilings.

All the portraits, candlesticks, torches are knocked over along with tables and chairs.

" If it's out there then we have to watch the roofs "

~ Time Skip ~

" All of the bodies are burned as well at the fire pit out, no survivors " said the man and Declan just nods.

I sigh then turn to our little group.

" What are we thinking? " Judy asked.

" It climbs and bites obviously from all the evidence, so I'm thinking a half-breed scorpion " Lumina said.

" Why scorpion out of all creatures? " Rowena asked.

" I just thought it fit the characteristics of a half breed scorpion with the evidence we found, they use their tails to attack and climb " she said.

" We're off to a rough start " Laurence said.

" Then it couldn't be it because there are bites all over the bodies I found and scratches, if it attacks with the tail then it should be puncture wounds instead " I said.

" And there were bloody prints, tons of them in the other houses " Rowena said.

" Paw prints, we're dealing with a mammal so scorpion's off the list " Heidi said.

" Thank God " Lumina said as she hugs her book.

" The only mammal with paw prints are dogs, cats, bears etc. " Judy said.

" If it's a bear then it's a little slow some villagers should be able to escape, everyone's dead " Rowena said.

" Scratch that off the list " Laurence said.

" So we're left with raccoons, cats, dogs and other rodents " Heidi said.

" Rodents?, Like rats? " Lumina asked.

" Yes " Heidi said and Lumina gulped.

" Why is she here with us again? " Rowena asked.

" We're on good terms so, leave it at that " Heidi said and Rowena just agree with a nod.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now