Damian VIII

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Outside the Mansion, En Route to The Casino of the Gods,

9:32 pm, March 2, 2013, Present Time

"You guys ready?"

The group stood in a single file line in front of the Mansion gates, waiting for the limo that Elizabeth called to pick them up. It was getting dark and they had all changed into their formal clothes.

Damian was wearing his black suit jacket with white gloves, Ajax wore the same thing, but his suit was tinted a shade of navy. Danté wore a dark red suit with white gloves and a pair of golden cross earrings that he occasionally fidgeted with.

Elizabeth wore the same elegant black dress that Damian saw her in earlier, except her hair was in a bun with a black feather holding it in place. Coco wore a dark grey dress and white gloves. She had her hair long and curled, in contrast to her more casual and messy look from yesterday.

A black limo pulled up next to all of them and they all boarded inside.

As they pulled up to the Casino, Damian saw flashes of light coming out of the large windows. There was lots of muffled talking and laughing that Damian heard from outside.

Security guards were checking all the people coming into the casino while expensive cars pulled into the enormous lot. Damian and the team all stepped out of the limo and walked to the entrance of the lit Casino.

"Name and ID?" One of the two bouncers in front asked.

Coco handed him a tablet that displayed a digital invite. He scanned the QR code on the screen and gave it back. "Have fun," He said with a slight smile.

Damian's mouth almost fell open as they walked into the casino. The walls were all a shade of glittery gold, there were shelves full of trophies for blackjack, craps, and every slot machine you could think of. Photos of black and white winners contrasted with the colored present-day photos that were hung all around the casino. In the center of the casino was a large stage with a beautiful brunette in a maroon dress and golden earrings serenading those nearby. She looked slightly familiar and Damian caught a glimpse of an ace of spades tattoo on her neck before Elizabeth dragged him away.

There were also slot machines. Lots of them. The sounds of joyous conversation and dining jackpots rang throughout the vast area. Damian saw a crowd of people, watching one person swing the lever. A few seconds later, Damian heard a roar from the crowd. They must have hit the jackpot because patrons were running to see what all the commotion was. Ajax, Dante and Coco went off to look for Hermes and gamble, leaving Damian and Elizabeth to explore the rest of the casino.

On the other side of the casino, it was much more peaceful. A row of tables with candles, wine glasses, and white tablecloths lined the edge of the large glass window overlooking the city's night scene. A line of couples waited in line to get a table as a band played mellow jazz in the background.

Elizabeth walked up behind Damian and grabbed his arm with a smile.

"Come on now, no fancy party is complete without a romantic dinner is it?"

Say what? Damian asked himself.

As Elizabeth dragged him into the waiting line, Damian stood there in a daze. They got seated and he shook off his initial surprise as he picked up the menu. Damian ordered the steak and a pint of beer as Elizabeth picked the Wild Alaska cod paired with white wine.

"So, Mr.Winters, tell me about yourself," Elizabeth said with a smirk as she swished around her wine.

This was going to be a long evening, Damian smiled awkwardly.

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