Chapter 101

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July 11th, 2021

Taylor's alarm went off at seven the next morning. They'd only gotten a handful of hours of sleep after crashing into bed right after they stripped their makeup and took a sleepy shower together. The blonde's multiple cups of caffeine wore off after the wedding and Jo had to hold her up while the conditioner washed out.

The older half of the couple rolled over and stretched as she turned it off. Going into the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth. She didn't want to wake up but they had a plane to catch. Originally, they were going to go to Ireland with Jack and his partner in the winter but Margaret's filming had been moved to Panama and they'd liked the idea of Ireland for a honeymoon to make up for it.

Jo had always loved that area of the world and Taylor loved anywhere Jo was, a consolation being it wasn't as warm as many other places that time of year and they'd done enough sweating.

She snuck into the closet, putting some lingerie under her t-shirt. Her bottom half was under the covers when she climbed back into bed, leaving the surprise to be found with time.

"Good morning, Mrs. Swift," Taylor gently brushed her index finger along the side of Jo's face, the brunette was facing her side of the bed, peacefully ignoring the fact that the alarm had sounded.

"Mm," Jo grumbled when she woke, pulling the soft blanket over her face so Taylor couldn't properly wake her up.

"Josephine, baby," Taylor hummed, trying to get the singer's attention again. She guided the blanket down with her hand over her wife's and gave the sleepy woman a smile, "We need to get going soon."

Jo fluttered her eyes open and shut them again just as quickly. She was usually a morning person, but she was also an exhausted person.

Taylor chuckled at Jo's antics. She shifted her body over on the mattress so they were closer and gently pushed on the woman's upper lip where her mouthguard rested. She knew this would get her attention because the plastic tray was fitted to her teeth, she'd feel the movement.

"No," Jo found Taylor's wrist with her eyes still closed and softly placed it back down on the bed between them.

"I set the alarm for a bit earlier because we still haven't consummated our marriage," Taylor's words were said in just the right tone to get Jo to finally open her brown eyes.

Her fingers went into her mouth as the other hand pushed the blanket off and she went into the bathroom to get rid of the mouthguard and she came back with a dopey grin, a washed face and clean teeth, "My wife!"

"Hi!" Taylor giggled, urging Josephine to come closer. In the time Jo was gone, she'd put some music on through her phone speaker.

"This is your last chance to annul our marriage," Jo teased before she went in for a kiss after returning to her former position.

She could feel Taylor smile against her lips, "We have a prenup, I'll take my chances."

Jo scoffed at Taylor's response, a small laugh escaping her before she pressed their lips together again and slowly worked on deepening the kiss. She loved how Taylor's lips felt in the morning with no chapstick or lipstick on them. She liked feeling the little grooves of her wife's lips while they kissed, fingers tangled in each other's messy hair.

Taylor signalled to Jo that she needed a second to catch her breath. Jo moved her face back just enough so that the woman underneath her could regain composure, the sides of the noses still touching as their eyes met with that pure golden love in their gazes.

Taylor's blue eyes shut as she kissed Jo. Her fingers left the brunette's natural wavy locks and travelled down to her jaw and continued until her fingers brushed against her neck and onto her shoulders.

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