Chapter 95

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March 19th, 2021 / March 21st, 2021

Jo and Taylor decided to spend a few days in Los Angeles after the Grammy's. Jo loved the home there and being closer to her sister for a while, but she understood why Nashville was important to Taylor. Andrea's chemotherapy had been brutal, the past couple years focused on her brain cancer, and Taylor didn't like to stray too far.

Things had been looking up, so the blonde felt it was alright to spend some time away. She had a list of things she and Jo needed to do that day, which featured making a wedding venue shortlist and looking at cake ideas. Taylor decided it was time to narrow things down a little, she did want to get married eventually.

"Do you want some more coffee?" Josephine offered. They were sitting at the table in the sunroom, both on their laptops. Mornings usually ended up the same way after they woke up a little, going through email after email so that the afternoons were free.

"Please," Taylor picked up her mug and held it up for the younger woman to take for her.

Jo came back a couple minutes later and set it down on the coaster, sitting back on the right side head of the table after she pressed a kiss to her fiancée's head. She refreshed her email and noticed a new subject line from her publicist.


Jo inhaled as she clicked on it, waiting for the attachments to load. She didn't mean to gasp, but she did and drew blue eyes to her attention.

"What?" Taylor inquired calmly. She reached for her mug to take a sip of the steaming cup of caffeine, letting it hit her lips and roll back onto her tongue.

"You heard from Tree today?" Jo hummed nervously.

"Not yet," Taylor said, "She just texted that she's gonna call me in ten minutes."

"Well..." Jo bit her lip and turned her computer around, "That looks like three years ago? Holiday House bathroom, I'm tweezing my eyebrows, you're wearing the pink wig, we're in our bras-"

Taylor's mouth fell open slightly, her chapstick coated licks parted just enough that Jo could see the bottom of her top teeth, "How- what?"

"They're online. They're getting them taken down, a couple fans are sharing them but most are respecting our privacy and reporting the posts. It's uh... interesting."

"I sent those pictures to like, no one? I don't think I sent that to anyone but Selena?"

"Why are you sending pictures of us in bras to Selena?" Jo replied, raising her eyebrows suspiciously.

"I think I was talking about how hot you looked," Taylor covered her face and sighed deeply, "At least it's a hacker and not Selena leaking them, she would never."

"I agree, she would never," Jo turned the computer around and called Nicole, working out the fine details while Taylor seemed to work herself deeper into a spiral as she listened to the call and waited for her best friend to reply to her text about the leak.

Jo asked Nicole to hold on for a second while she glanced at the blonde and cleared her throat.

Taylor looked up, index finger in her mouth as she chewed worriedly on the nail. Jo's glare and warning was enough to get her to remove her finger from her mouth and check her phone again, ignoring Jo's eyes with embarrassment.

"How long until you think we can show our faces in public?" Jo asked the woman on the other end of the line.

"Never," Taylor chimed in. She dramatically rested her forehead against the table after sliding the laptop further into the middle to make room for her head.

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