Chapter 11

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October 9th, 2016 - October 12th 2016

"You're staying at Taylor's again?" Billy Collins raised an eyebrow as he chopped an onion at the countertop. He was just about ready to add it to a pan with butter to caramelize as he spoke to his daughter who had just finished pulling her suitcase into the living area.

"Mhmm," Jo hummed, hoping he didn't press about it, "I'm going to be in the studio tomorrow and Tuesday and then Wednesday we're gonna hang out and go to a concert with some of her friends."

"Just don't overstay your welcome this time. Okay, sport? Your sister and I missed you, and it's not the same around here without you singing at the piano all the time," the sizzle of the pan began, he moved it around with an old wooden spoon.

Jo nodded a little, "I know, I'll be back in a week tops. I have to work on Monday anyways, so I'll probably be back Sunday at the latest. Plus, Charlie has parent teacher night next week and you hate those things so I'll go."

Billy sighed in relief, "I was hoping you would go. They make me so uncomfortable, especially when they notice I'm not wearing a wedding ring and ask about your mother and such."

"I'm aware," Jo chuckled and poured the sauce into the pan because Bill didn't always know what he was doing, "I'll let you know when I land. Make sure you put a lid on that."

"Don't drink and drive, wear a coat. No girls unless they're nice, wear a condom, you know."

"I— mhmmm," Jo crinkled her face up in confusion, although she noticed her father laughing at his own joke.

"Oh, pal? One more thing, can you stop by the store and pick up some of those tampon things? Last month was scary, you're right."

"I'll get Rachel to drop them off for Charlie if she runs out of the ones under the sink in our bathroom. That's where they are, where they always are. And she forgets, but they're always there."

"Yeah, she got my brain."

"Oh I know she did."

The following day, she arrived at Taylor's in the wee hours of the morning while it was still dark and the streets were at their slowest.

Taylor was waiting at the door groggily, her pyjama's wrinkled from the sleep she'd been disturbed from by Jo's call saying she was approaching the street in her Uber. She didn't mind, in fact she was excited, but she was tired.

The wooden door opened after Jo knocked, and Taylor was waiting there with his arms open. Jo stepped in and let Taylor embrace her, much less tired than the blonde was.

"Mm, hello," Taylor mumbled, sinking her face into Jo's neck and lazily wrapping her arms around Jo's shoulders.

"Hi," Jo chuckled at Taylor's sleepiness, "Thank you for letting me in. Back to bed now."

"No," Taylor yawned, shaking her head.

"I think so, sleepy. I'll talk to you in the morning," the younger singer said quietly. She detangled herself from Taylor and guided her back up the stairs. Taylor whined as she felt Jo place the blanket back over her, "Goodnight, baby."

"G'night," Taylor whispered as she curled the blanket up around her face. Jo retreated to the guest room and her place on the floor, because although they were dating, they'd yet to share a bed properly and she didn't want to make that decision for Taylor when she was clearly exhausted.

In the morning, Taylor walked into the guest room and put her hands on her hips, waiting until Jo realized she was being stared at to wake up because she seemed to do that every time Taylor tried to wake her up.

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