Chapter 92

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October 13th, 2020

"Do you want to go for a walk with me?" Josephine Collins asked the blonde. She'd walked into their office space of the Nashville apartment to talk to Taylor, sitting at the desk while going through what she could only guess was probably Instagram since she'd left Tumblr behind months prior.

"A walk?" Taylor raised her eyebrows as she looked at the brown eyed girl who already had on a hoodie and her shoes, "We don't go on walks."

"We used to," Jo shrugged, "It'll be good. We can like, pretend to still like each other."

"Do we not like each other?" Taylor looked genuinely concerned that Jo was not joking.

Things had been weird over the last handful of days. Jo refused to comment on whether or not they were still engaged, Taylor was too afraid to ask and they'd slept on opposite ends of the same bed instead of tangled somewhere in the middle. There was a strange distance between them that didn't seem to slowly fade as time went on, in fact, it only seemed to become more normal.

"I don't know," Jo whispered under her breath as the chair slid out behind the desk and Taylor approached her.

"I'll get changed. Can you give me a few minutes?" Taylor asked. She wanted to lean in for a kiss like she'd done so many times before but didn't. Something inside her said there was a chance it wouldn't be reciprocated.

"Sure," Jo nodded and stepped out of the way.

When Taylor went to find Jo again, she was lead to her by a loud banging. She went into the guest room that used to be Charlie's room and saw Jo hitting the vent on the floor with the hammer they kept under the sink in the laundry room, one lonely screwdriver next to it.

"What are you doing?" Taylor furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her chest as she felt cold just stepping in there.

"Fixing this fucking vent," Jo muttered as she hit it again, "We need to get a heating a cooling guy in here. You feel how cold this room is? I've been messing with this for days now and it's stuck. Won't close and it's just blasting cold air all day long."

"Charlie probably wedged it or something," Taylor sighed, pulling her phone out to make a note to call someone to get it fixed or replaced.

"She always did wear those giant sweaters under like two blankets in here," Jo laughed with frustration, "Babe, get me the screwdriver please? Maybe I can unscrew it and hit it from the bottom."

"Okay," Taylor was happy to oblige Jo's request because there had been a pet name slipped in and she returned with the screwdriver quickly.

Jo changed the head on the multi-bit screwdriver and turned the screws to undo it. She put the end of the tool into her mouth as she pulled the vent up, turning it over to see if it was rusted or there was a reason why the metal wouldn't slide shut.

"Is that weed?" Taylor asked as Jo examined it. The blonde came closer as Jo set the screwdriver down.

"I think so," Jo was extremely confused for a brief moment before she pulled her phone from her back pocket and glared at the face on the screen that answered it, "Did you forget something when you moved out?"

"What?" Charlie asked, seemingly out of breath. She had taken up running and in Los Angeles it was still decently early in the morning.

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