Chapter 28

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April 20th, 2017 / April 21st, 2017 / Sometime that week

Jo was standing on the set of Jimmy Fallon, her hair and makeup done and a beautifully fit and hemmed pinstripe suit on her figure. Her hair was in its natural loose waves, a couple rings on her right hand.

She was doing an interview since her debut album would be released at midnight, not too far off. She had been so busy over the last week with public relations and promotion, that she hadn't really gotten the chance to sit down between plane rides, interviews and meetings.

"You ready to go?" One of the production assistants asked her, she glanced at her publicist and nodded.

"Yeah," Jo agreed with a soft and polite smile, she waited for Jimmy to announce her and she walked out with a larger smile. She had become such a huge sensation, and her second single had gone just as crazy as the first. This was a last minute booking due to a cancellation, but it was crazy that she was able to be there.

"Welcome! It's so nice to see you! We met backstage but we haven't really ever met before," the host started lightly, a very gentle and excited tone carried his voice.

"It's so nice to meet you, I can't believe I'm here," Jo exclaimed, crossing her leg one over another. She folded her hands and placed them over the top knee, keeping her back straight but not too posh looking.

"Yeah, you're fairly new to this whole thing, right? Your first album, Used To This, comes out at midnight tonight, I got to listen to some of it earlier today and it's incredible, by the way."

"Oh, thank you," the singer said, blushing a little bit.

"Well you've been busy since you've been introduced to the music industry, you've made this album, released two singles that have done super well, I keep hearing them on the radio all the time. You've also recorded a song with uh, Taylor Swift, how was that?"

Jo inhaled before she answered the innocent question, "It was great, yeah. She's amazing to work with, and actually she was someone who helped me get going with my music so I'm really thankful for her and what she's done for me."

The perfect answer, perfectly rehearsed and agreed upon. They expected to have more time before things went public, to get people used to the idea of Taylor being with Jo and not a man, or really, just in a happy relationship at all.

"That awesome, she's always lovely when I see her. So, I heard that you have perfect pitch, is that just a rumour or is that...?" He trailed off, chuckling a little as he set down the copy of Jo's album he had in his hands.

"I do," Jo nodded slightly and looked down for a second, "Found that out when I was little, my mom was always trying to teach me how to play both the guitar and the piano."

"That's very cool, so that must make it pretty easy to put together a song. Did this album come together quickly or have you been working on it for a long time?"

"Yes and no, some things came easier than others. I got to work with some amazing co-writers and producers. I'm just really super excited to have it in the world and get to see what people think and grow as an artist."

"I love it, even my wife is excited for it to be out. I told her you were coming on the show and she was telling me that I better do a good job, me," Jimmy teased, pointing at himself.

"Aww," Jo blushed softly while she laughed, "You're doing great, I think. How am I doing?"

The interview wrapped up a few minutes later and Jo went off stage and prepared to head home. The album was only a few minutes away from being released, and Jo was in the back of a car with her publicist when it happened.

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