Chapter 34

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June 10th, 2017 / July 25th, 2017

"Dad!" Jo excitedly held her arms open for the soldier, walking towards him as Gabriel begrudgingly carried the dog carrier in his hands.

She had flown into Nevada for the day just to drop off Miles. Flynn was at the veterinarian's office for his surgery and recovery, so she'd need to be back tomorrow to pick him up since Taylor absolutely refused.

The man wrapped his arms around her tightly, a light pat on the back followed it, "Hey, sport!"

"Let's go inside so I can introduce you to your new best friend," Jo took the carrier after the hug ended and left Gabriel carrying the bag of accessories.

"Hi, Josephine!" Charlie called from the kitchen side of the living space as soon as the door opened, closing the door of the fridge.

"Hey! I brought you a dog."

Jo gave her younger sister a quick hug and sat down on the couch, inviting Gabriel to stay because they were only going to be in town a few hours.

"Okay so this is Miles, you can rename him. He's almost ten weeks they think. He's healthy, he's just got some spots left from the fleas that you can put medicine on and he'll be better in no time. Looks kinda like a pitbull mix to me, so he's your new Lab mix to get past the restrictions."

"Lab mix," Billy chuckled as he took the dog from the carrier and picked him up, "Hello, Sergeant."

"We are not calling him Sergeant," Charlie sighed.

"We aren't calling him anything, you're leaving me next year so this is my little man, pal. I'm going to name him what I want."

"The son you always wanted and never got," Jo teased, but Billy didn't quite laugh at that.

"Charlie's my only hope of getting a son-in-law now, so I'm doomed. This is Sergeant William Collins the Second," he smiled, displaying the dog like a new baby in the Lion King.

"We should have seen that coming," Charlie looked at Jo, "I mean, look at us. Charlie and Jo, there was no way the dog would be normal."

In true fashion, the dog felt the breeze of the ceiling fan and started to pee, "Oh, heckin' Jesus!"

Billy ran to the backdoor and tossed him out, his pants already soaked, much like the floor towards the backyard, "I forgot to mention he does that, he kept peeing on Tay..."

With Flynn's brother now in a good home, Tinkerbell rightfully returned to her owners and Flynn out of surgery and doing well, Jo felt a lot of relief. Although, she was quite certain that next time she wanted to get involved in animal rescue, it was probably for the best if she simply made a donation.

For the sake of her relationship, she probably shouldn't bring home anymore dogs.

In New York, Jo stood in the entryway of their apartment with her backpack on and spoke with security while they all waited for Taylor to finish packing up the cats. She couldn't find Meredith, which wasn't unusual but in this case, they kind of needed to get going. Taylor had to meet with her team, which had turned into Jo meeting with her team, which had turned into the two groups meeting up to get on the same page because lately, the girls had become desperate for a night in the same bed.

Jo was always out, choreography, rehearsals with the band, events. Taylor on the other hand, had been wrapped up in finishing her upcoming album. She had been designing merch, planning and filming music videos and dealing with meeting after meeting.

"Did you look under the chair in the living room?" Jo asked, calling from the doorway, she would help but she was tasked with holding Flynn's leash and Olivia's carrier. They had to drop the cats off at the groomer and Taylor didn't want Flynn left alone in the apartment.

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