Chapter 60

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March 14th, 2019

"Are you ready for the awards tonight?" Jo asked as she bounced the tennis ball back towards her girlfriend, who looked more like she should be walking a runway in her tennis gear than playing the game.

"Yes," Taylor hit it back towards the singer, "You still willing to help me dye my hair before the team gets here? I got some pink dye dropped off."

"Uh-huh," Jo nodded, "Only if you pose for a couple pictures for me. You look beautiful today."

"Yeah, it's that I got fucked really good yesterday glow," the blonde teased, hitting the ball into the net with a sigh.

"I knew it must be something!" Jo laughed, picking up the ball since she was closest to the net, even with having to reach over. She bounced it and hit it over the net, looking at Taylor's legs while she waited for it to be returned.

"Are you nervous about sitting together?" Taylor inquired with a forceful return of the ball. It was their first award show where they were going to sit together, but they still were going to walk the carpet separately.

"Nope," Jo said flatly, "Keep my hands to myself, don't stare at your ass or boobs, the usual. It'll be fun, plus we get to eat cheeseburgers afterwards."

"I fucking love cheeseburgers. Also, you can hold my hand, just— just be a bit less... you," she didn't know the best way to phrase that, but Jo knew what she meant.

"I know," Jo smiled, pulling her sunglasses off her face, "I'm bored, photo time."

"Photo time," Taylor repeated, letting the ball go past her towards the wall of their court. They hardly ever used it, but every now and then when they were in California they would walk down and mess around for about half an hour.

Five minutes later, Jo returned from the house with her camera and messed around with the lighting for a moment before she pointed it towards the blonde.

"Back up please," a few more small directions were given before Jo eventually laid down on the green tennis court and smiled, "Oh perfect, yup."

"You're practically laying in the fence," Taylor laughed, doing a few ridiculous poses for her girlfriend before some more serious ones.

"You should thank me for my dedication to making sure your best angle is captured," Jo replied, clicking the camera a couple more times.

"What about you? You going to let me touch it?" The blonde was referring to the camera. There was an imbalance of pictures, Taylor having so many taken of her and usually only the occasional Polaroid or iPhone picture done of Josephine.

"No, I'm good. I got my legs in this one and it's kind of funny. Why don't we do a couple of you by the fence and then I'll dye your hair, deal?"

"You say that but I know you would do my hair for me anyways."

"Yeah, but this way it makes me feel better and I get to use my camera."

"Whatever keeps you happy, my love," Taylor smiled, extending her hand to help Jo off the ground.

Fifteen minutes later, Jo and Taylor had read the instructions on the pink hair dye and were prepared to temporarily colour the tips of Taylor's blonde locks.

Jo was standing behind Taylor in front of the mirror when she was reminded of an intimate moment from long ago, "You remember when I put those golden tattoos on you? Before that party."

"I wrote you a song about it," Taylor cracked a smile, "Of course I do."

"It's been a long time," Jo began to spray the colour onto the hair. It was an easy removal one, just spray it on and it'll come out in a few washes.

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