Chapter 94

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March 15th, 2021

The months had passed quickly and before they knew it, Jo was putting the final touches on her outfit for the Grammy's that evening. In the time since the Grammy nominations, Taylor had released another album (champagne problems had been an interesting conversation both in person and on Twitter), and they had both announced an album. Jo's would be out in July, and Taylor's in April.

Jo definitely pushed her release back a bit when she found out Taylor wanted to put out Fearless TV soon. They'd always tried to work around each other because they were both some of the biggest names in music and didn't want to stand in the way of each other's success.

Charlie had spent a couple weeks with them around Christmas but left shortly after, eating her fair share of the garlic mashed potatoes Andrea had made, which she cited as the reason she was in Nashville. She definitely didn't miss her sister, not one bit. Not at all.

Everything was just going well, things were peaceful, stable. They'd spent more time talking about their wedding, which still wasn't planned whatsoever but at least they had an idea of what they wanted now. Taylor had finally let down her last wall it seemed, because she didn't start that little fight about being happy anymore.

Jo thought it might have something to do with the singer finally starting therapy, which Taylor realized that despite her multiple attempts at telling herself it would be too much to unpack all of life onto someone else, it helped immensely. She could see why Jo scheduled it often.

"Help, my earring is broken," Jo said nervously, holding it through her ear as she went over to the blonde's side of the bathroom and waited for her to take it from her grip.

"It's not broken, it's just stuck," Taylor finished putting it in for her fiancée and clasped it shut, "There you go, love."

"Thank you," Jo chimed with a smile passed Taylor's way. Taylor blushed at the sight, she usually did. Jo went around their house with her usual clumsy gracefulness, almost breaking her heels in the process and ending up in full body cast.

"I don't know how to do this," the blonde sighed as she set her clutch on her lap in the back of the car. Jo's hand landed on her thigh and gave a reassuring squeeze almost immediately, like she had been hearing her before she spoke.

"We'll figure it out, hon. It's more like a food-less dinner tonight, I guess. Did you read the email Tree sent you?" The brunette knew Taylor was referring to the pandemic version of the award show.

"Tree didn't send me an email," Taylor sighed.

"You need to get your publicist on my publicist's level, I got one last week," Josephine teased the blonde singer. She leaned over and kissed Taylor's cheek softly, leaving a small crest of red from her bottom lip on her skin. Jo took her thumb and carefully wiped it off, "I'm sorry, I forgot I was wearing lipstick."

"I wasn't going to stop you," Taylor said while her blue eyes scanned Jo's lap for her phone. She was totally about to read Nicole's email and use it to get her nerves settled a bit, knowing it was going to be slightly modified because she was performing.

Taylor quickly read through the email and decided that it wasn't much help anyways.

"Did you remember your mask?" Jo asked while she checked her nails to make sure they hadn't chipped. She hated those fake nails she had to wear for events like the one that night, she couldn't wait to take them off afterwards.

"Yes, mom," Taylor replied playfully, her voice thick with amusement. She knew Jo would glare at her, she looked up and there it was.

"Absolutely not. My sister might get away with that but you don't."

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