Chapter 25

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April 2nd, 2017

Jo was in Nevada while Taylor was hard at work on her album in Nashville, spending some time with her parents and recording. Jo had a bit of free time and thought a visit to see Charlie and Billy would be nice, as well as splurge a little on Rachel and Calum since the little boy's birthday was coming up.

She had offered to take Charlie and Rachel shopping that Sunday afternoon, having been told by Taylor that in all fairness, it could be one of the last times she had the opportunity to do such a 'normal' thing since the publicity around her and her upcoming album had been going off the charts as of late.

"What about these jeans?" Jo held them up for her best friend to see, holding them close to her waist to try and give an idea of what they'd look like on her frame.

"Why didn't you bring your stylist with you?" Charlie glanced at them and made a face, "She has better taste."

"Your ass would probably look good in them," Rachel nodded in approval as Jo rolled her eyes.

"My stylist only picks my important outfits, I can't walk around my house naked."

"You totally could," the friend laughed softly.

Jo and Taylor were preparing to move out of the Ranch at the end of the month, stationing themselves somewhere to be decided. The ranch was fantastic for when they weren't flying around from city to city all of the time, but Jo would rarely be home soon and Taylor had so much to do, it was likely they'd cut Josephine a key to each place and crash at the closest home to where their schedules aligned.

"With the stalkers and the girlfriend who is constantly on video meetings?" Jo furrowed her eyebrows, half joking about it.

"It was one girl, everyone has a crazy ex," Rachel hummed, picking up a t-shirt to investigate. She was referring to Kennedy, who had to be forcefully removed by police from Jo's front lawn a month earlier after Billy asked her to leave and she refused.

Since then, she'd taken to social media to try and destroy Jo's reputation, posting old pictures of them and conjuring up a story about Jo cheating on her, stealing from her, anything and everything she could think of.

Jo's team was working on it, and it was starting to get to the point where a possible slander lawsuit was going to be filed if it didn't stop.

"Tell that to my new bodyguards, you see them? Tay hired them, because apparently I know how to choose a crazy ex."

Jo gestured to the two men dressed in casual clothes with ear pieces in, pretending to be shopping while actually staring down the three girls like a pair of hawks.

"At least they aren't secret service looking or something," Rachel shrugged, "How's blondie handling your new super fan anyways?"

"Blondie has her guard dogs reporting accounts and her lawyers preparing to sue for slander if a cease and desist doesn't stop her," Jo sighed, knowing Taylor was doing it from a good place but wishing she didn't have to.

"Because what gets said about you could backfire on her, or because she's trying to protect you?"

"Bit of both, I'm afraid," Jo admitted quietly, looking around for wandering ears.

Charlie grabbed a shirt and tossed it at Jo, landing in the girls face which made her flinch, "That one."

"It's... yellow."

"Yellow's one of your colours," Charlie replied certainly, waiting for a response that didn't come when both of the older woman just stared at her, "Stop it, I'm serious. You look good in yellow."

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