Chapter 65

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Please go to tamk12 message board and write 'innit' with no explanation so we can prank my wife. In return we have a surprise early update! See you again on Friday!

She doesn't read this so it should work lol Thank you

May 24th, 2019

Jo returned with the donuts a few minutes before Taylor woke up, which was a pleasant surprise since the blonde had been craving something sweet for a good part of the day. She had already been into the donuts before Jo came out of the washroom.

"Karlie just asked if we're going to drinks tonight? We aren't in New York," Taylor hummed confusedly. She tried to blame it on the grogginess, but even with her eyes gently rubbed it still looked like it said what it did.

"Oh, maybe Karlie is with them. Ava- you know Ava, right? I ran into her on the literal sidewalk and she invited me to drinks with her and some of the other models, but she invited you as an afterthought so I wasn't going to go."

"I would love to hang out with Karlie, though," Taylor pouted, but all Jo did was sigh for a moment.

"I don't really like Karlie, my love."

"What? Why not?!" Taylor couldn't believe this was the first time she was hearing about it.

"Should we start with the fact she gives off shady fucking vibes? Or kiss-gate twenty-fourteen where you made out at a concert with her? Or the fact that Ava just hit on me on the sidewalk and called me babe which super freaks me out because anyone who calls me a pet name who isn't you, you know, takes me straight back to crazy fucking Kennedy," the brunette rambled on for what seemed like forever until Taylor stopped her.

"She hit on you?"

"Yeah, I mean, I think so? Gabriel realized before I did. She like, complimented my body and made flirty eyes. Which is fucking weird 'cause she has a boyfriend."

"That is not okay," Taylor exhaled, standing up from the arm chair and meeting Jo on the couch, "I'm just going to forget what you said about my best friend for a minute, okay?"

Jo gulped as Taylor began to straddle her waist, breathlessly replying, "Okay."

"You know I had a boyfriend when we first started talking, and then I had another one after that," Taylor mumbled against Jo's lips clumsily.

"I know, but you never crossed a line," Jo's hands roamed freely until they found Taylor's jean clad ass, holding it firmly so Taylor couldn't get up yet.

"It doesn't stop anyone unless you make it clear that you're off limits," Taylor mused, trailing down from Jo's lips to her jawline, peppering it with warm kisses as her fingers played with the brunette's hair.

"Mhmm," Jo was half listening, the other half of her was staring down the neck of Taylor's top at her breasts that were on full display.

"I so want to give you a hickey right now," Taylor chuckled with her lips still moving.

"It is the City of Love," Jo's fingers delicately made their way under Taylor's top from the back. She drew circles on the skin that was still a bit sweaty from Taylor's nap under the blanket.

"Was that permission?" Taylor smiled against Jo's skin.

"It's not a yes, because our publicists would be very, very disappointed in us for breaking the rules... but, if you wanted to, I suppose it could be an accident."

"But do we have time before we need to get ready for drinks?"

"So we are going to the bar?"

"I'd hate for all the work I'm about to put in to go to waste," Taylor began to suck on Jo's neck while her other hand worked on Jo's belt. Taylor undid the belt buckle and began to move a little against Jo's legs, "As much as I really want to stay here all night and do this, we actually should get ready."

Daylight - Taylor SwiftDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora