Chapter 22

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I will add Jo's album to the next part, which won't be a chapter but will be labeled Chapter 22.5

February 24th, 2017, February 25th, 2017

The two thirds of the Collins family that had flown in from Nevada were quick to rush out of the busy city area and back to the apartment with the couple. Billy had promised to take his youngest to see the city the next day, where he had lived back when Jo was conceived prior to his enlistment.

When inside the Franklin Street Penthouse, Charlie immediately looked at the exquisite chandelier and furnishings, "This is cool."

"Taylor has fantastic taste," Jo gushed, knowing full well she couldn't take credit for the design or decor, "Especially in women."

Taylor snorted quietly and tried to cover it by itching her nose, "Mm."

"Mmm," Jo mocked, crinkling up her nose and sticking out her tongue. Billy chuckled and slipped off his shoes.

"You got a place I can toss our bags?" He asked, holding up the two suitcases, each in it's own hand.

Taylor nodded, "Oh, yeah. I'll show you."

She took Billy to see the guest rooms and encouraged Jo to take Charlie out of the entryway and see something more interesting, suggesting maybe even a window or a bathroom.

"You know, when you told me you were gay, I never imagined you end up with someone with as terrible a sense of humour as you," Charlie hummed, although her smile was unmissable.

"I love her," Jo sighed in adoration.

"Gross," Charlie said, looking at the awards on the shelf, "You going to win awards like this?"

"Not if Tay keeps makin' music," Jo teased, not realizing Taylor had come back quickly and was just stepping into the room.

"Hey now, you and I aren't competing. Are we?" The blonde asked, startling Josephine who turned around.

"We write in the same genre, in similar styles, about the same relationship. Might as well team up and become a duo at this rate, play the strip malls of America together."

"I might consider it if I wasn't worried about you feeling left out of the spotlight, there's only so much room for talent on a stage... actually, you would fit," Taylor smirked, watching Jo's mouth fall agape.

"Okay, I like you!" Charlie laughed, "Jo, keep her."

"She's trying to be funny because she's trying to impress you, usually she'd be like, 'Oh, Jo, you're the queen of the universe, please shower me in your awesomeness'."

"Absolutely not," Taylor laughed, "Okay but in all honesty, your sister is incredibly talented and I'm sure there are plenty of awards in her future."

"Thank you," Jo smiled weakly, trying not to show how much she gushed over that.

"So where do you keep your Grammy's?"

They settled in and got the full tour. Jo had explored the place on her own when she stayed in New York last but hearing Taylor's version of things was just as interesting to her. She kind of liked just listening to her girlfriend talk, wandering around behind her stuck on every word.

They were gathered around the dinner table, a simple pasta and vegetable dish on their plates. Jo had opened a bottle of wine to celebrate with.

"It's not like I haven't drank," Charlie said when Jo handed her a glass of water.

"Charlotte," Jo and Billy said at the same time. Taylor picked up her glass and sipped it smoothly, hiding her smile behind it as her eyes shifted from one person to the other, back and forth.

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