Chapter 49

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February 2nd, 2018

Jo and Charlie were in the elevator the next day, back up to their floor where the apartment was in Nashville. Jo carried a small bag in her hand, Charlie a backpack, two coffees trying (and failing) to hold back a spectacular set of hangovers.

The elevator dinged and they were greeted by Taylor at the door to the apartment, Jo unlocked it with her keeps and had already heard the rushed footsteps towards them.

"What were you thinking?" Taylor pulled Jo close for a brief hug, squeezing her tight. She pulled away and instinctively cupped Jo's face in her hands, checking her eyes to see how they expressed emotion that day.

"We just went on a little adventure, made it back with no scratches," Jo offered a compelling reason to let it go when she leaned in to kiss Taylor and teased her a little bit with her tongue running across the blonde's bottom lip, pulling away before Taylor got the satisfaction but knowing it was enough to ease her mind, Jo was just fine.

"You're in so much shit," Taylor whispered as Charlie walked past them towards her room.

"I know," Jo agreed, "But I'm hungover and tired and I might puke on your feet if you don't let go of me."

A few hours later, Jo had taken a nap and the uncomfortable feeling in her stomach had worn off. Charlie was doing God knows what, probably scrolling through her phone like usual.

The older singer was sitting against the headboard, having returned from a workout and pulled out a book. Jo's arm was around her waist, only awake for a few minutes by the time her fingers started to caress along Taylor's skin softly.

"You feeling better?" Taylor hummed, folding the book shut and taking her left hand, gently scratching Jo's head in a loving manner.

"Yeah, thank you," the former frozen yogurt shop employee answered.

"I'm not actually mad, I was just worried when I found out you hopped a plane with no security and wandered around in the middle of the night."

"It was stupid," Jo sat up, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear, "Charlie just wanted to go and I couldn't say no. It's not all that often she wants anything to do with her."

"Don't worry about it, baby," Taylor smiled as a peace offering, opening her arms to allow Jo to come to her.

Jo settled into the embrace but quickly moved when Taylor winced at the touch, "You okay?"

"I'm sore from the gym, it was a good workout," Taylor shrugged it off, she hoped Jo would come back and let her hold her again.

"I'll give you a massage," Jo swung her legs off their bed and walked into the bathroom. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth quietly as she looked for the lotions and oils she had seen once upon a time.

She didn't want to think about who was giving Taylor massages before she was the one to dig up the bottles, but based on the expiration date on the first bottle she took, she was pretty sure she knew who.

"You don't need to, Jo," Taylor said as soon as Jo came back into the bedroom.

"Of course I do," Jo knit her eyebrows like it was obvious, "One, I like touching you, all of the time. Two, you're sore and you could use it."

"No funny business," Taylor pointed a finger at her girlfriend, "I'm serious."

"Are you on your period?" Jo tried to disguise a smile, 'itching' her nose to hide it behind her hand.

"Mhmm," Taylor frowned. Jo pulled the blankets back and chuckled, instructed Taylor to lie down on her stomach and pulled the blonde's shirt off beforehand.

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