Chapter 100

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So uhm... this is chapter 100 and it's only fitting that you get some tissues. Maybe?

Sorry for the delay in updates, with the holidays starting tomorrow and wanting to make this perfect I took my time.

July 10th, 2021

It was scorching hot outside, even for Southern California. Of course their wedding day was supposed to be one of the warmest days of the year. It was only Jo's luck, because when they'd checked the forecast for the millionth time since it had come available and it suddenly was supposed to be in record high temperatures, she knew it was another cosmic joke of the universe.

"I think there's enough ice being brought into the lobby to stop global warming," Charlotte said as she came back into the decently sized room where Jo had the curling iron wrapped around her long brown hair. They'd each opted to do their own hair and makeup in an attempt to keep things as pandemic safe as possible. Everyone had tested the night before and again that day when they arrived, no positive tests were found.

"I need to shove some down my bra," Rachel, one of Jo's co-maid of honours, alongside Charlie, remarked as she blew air onto her own face in a desperate attempt to cool off. The air conditioning was only doing so much.

"It's so hot I think my boob tape is literally melting," Jo sighed, letting another lock of hair fall into place. She had already curled it but she insisted, despite her best friend's disagreement, that it needed to be touched up.

"Scott had like, a gigantic bucket of ice that he was taking to Taylor's room," Charlie added, standing in front of the small table of snacks, "You want me to make you up a plate? I don't want you to forget to eat."

"Rachel fed me some crackers while you were checking on the flowers," the bride to be hummed. She set the curling iron down and reached for the cold glass of water in front of her.

"It was like feeding Calum when he was a toddler, she kept telling me I was going to ruin her lipstick if her lips came in contact with the fucking things, halfway to a meltdown on the floor," the older of the two bridesmaids chuckled with a small head shake.

Blake and Ryan had volunteered to watch Calum for Rachel. Their older two daughter's were the flower girls and he had been tasked with the job of the ring bearer. They'd spent about three minutes rehearsing before the kids complained about the heat and begged to go back inside.

"The cheese smells terrible," Charlie grimaced as she skipped over it.

"Don't take your hatred of cheese out on the Boursin."

"You pregnant?" Rachel teased the younger Collins sibling.

Charlie glared at her sister's friend with intensity, "Absolutely not. Condoms, IUD, ovulation tracking and my least favourite, a boyfriend who is filming overseas and a press tour for my movie that has me here. I haven't seen him since May."

"Good for you for being preventive. Learn from my mistakes," Rachel held another cracker up to Jo's mouth and carefully avoided the lipstick, not needing to hear Jo's whining again.

"Jo puts condoms in my Christmas stocking every single year. They're in like every care package and birthday gift she's ever shipped me. I'm pretty sure the safe sex conversation we had a billion times when I was a teenager plays on a loop in my worst nightmares. There's a million monitors and every time she said it plays on a different one, surrounding me and moving in closer until I'm trapped and holding my hands over my ears screaming 'la la la' and praying for it to stop while eating my own tears."

Josephine laughed heartily, turning to look at her sister, "But you avoided teen pregnancy! It wasn't for nothing. Now I just don't want you getting an STI."

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