From You... #11

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Felix woke up on a bus, in the arms of Seungmin and Jeongin. His head was full of a pounding headache that made his head spin. He felt sick as he opened his eyes. Instantly, he shut them since the morning sun was sensitive to his eyes. He felt sick and very tired, and quite frankly, he didn't want to be awake.

"Felixie?" A voice said, probably quietly, but in the ears of Felix, it sounded like a screech. He groaned silently, opening his eyes to see Seungmin, leaning down to him. "Hyunjin Hyung told us that you got drunk... I didn't think is was this bad..."

"That explains it..." He murmured to himself, before attempting to let his eyes adjust to the light. It didn't work.

He reached for his head, rubbing it as he shielded his eyes from the light. It was clear the ravenette was not in the mood for emotions, hell he wasn't in the mood to be awake.

The soft fingertips of Seungmin's brushed away some loose hair strands a away from his face. His eyes focused on the older, finally adjusting to the light of the world around him. There was a soft smile on his face, which suited his gentle manner.

"We don't have anything like Tylenol, but we have some water for you." He said kindly. Felix nodded, before grabbing the water and almost downing the entire thing.

  "Thanks Min'." He mumbled, sitting up and leaning on the man's shoulder. With silence, he fell asleep again, not even paying attention to others on the bus.

=///=_ _ _=///=

  Waking up again, Felix felt better yet still sick. When he opened his eyes, they were still on the bus, but Seungmin wasn't next to him anymore. He opened his eyes, despite wanting to go back asleep once again. His pupils searched for the puppy boy, but he wasn't there, neither was Jeongin.

Only Hyunjin. Minho, Jisung, and Chan...

Fucking great...

  "Lix... you're awake..?" Chan said, turning to the ravenette. The boy nodded in return, not giving much acknowledgment to the leader. The redheaded sighed and stood up, storming out of the bus. He was definitely upset about something.

  But come to think of it, Minho and Jisung didn't look very enthusiastic either. Was it something he- no. Of course not. He was asleep.

  "What happened..?" He asked Jisung, giving a confused face. In return, he shook his head, indicating he didn't want to answer. A small frowned shown on his face, before the second oldest leaned over to Chan. The two of them went into their own, quiet, conversation while Felix sat there, drinking more water.

  He was still pretty drained, physically and mentally. But he just couldn't help but let his curiosity over come him. It was nerve-racking that he didn't know what they were saying. He was just tired.

  Tired of the world. Of life in general. I mean, everyone has felt that way at some point, or will. It's apart of life, but once you've dug yourself way too low, it takes lots to dig yourself out.

  "-And it's completely stupid! You kbow what he'll say!" Screamed Hyunjin, talking to the others who entered with him. Everyone looked over at Felix, then at Chan. The boy rolled his eyes and pulled out a journal he focused on writing songs on. It told his life story with truth, talking about his youth.

  He wanted his depression to leave so he could get hsi pride back. But the bitterness wouldn't leave. He remembered when his own family didn't care enough for him, and left him in the dirt. He loved them more than himself, bit they made him choose. He fled their house. Followed his friends and they helped him become an idol. But he can't understand why they couldn't help him.

This is his fifth relapse, and it won't ever stop. He needs support. He needs help. His heart had been broken, the depression won't even leave now. Just as it had all those years ago.

  Everyone sat down and the bus began again. It was quiet, yet tense. Something today Felix that Chan did something.

Something he knew Felix wouldn't like...

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