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  A/N: I am sorry I didn't post yesterday. I got really busy, and when I wasn't my motivation was gone. I'll try to get some more done for you guys.

Felix was too busy talking to the members to recognize their admirable stares. They were studying his every movement, they way his eyes turn to cresent moons when he laughs, the way he smiles when he thinks of something cute, the way he looks back but is still ignorant of their stares. He was all in all, adorable.

  "Welp, I'm going to go take a nap." He finally said, standing up from the couch. The guys hummed in response and let him go.

Ťěxťıňğ |______________| Send

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Did you guys check out Maniac? Felix's part is pretty sick isn't it?

SKZ_OFFICAL:Did you guys check out Maniac? Felix's part is pretty sick isn't it?

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  Felix sighed and closed his eyes, trying so hard to fall asleep. He started to feel like he was running his body with eating so much food. He wanted to cry so badly, but he just couldn't. Something inside of his wouldn't let him cry, something held him together. Something about Stray Kids made him feel special. He was confused.

  No matter how much he tossed and turned he wouldn't fall asleep. Maybe it was that it was day time. Or it was something else.

  His mind fluttered to the members and how kind they were. His stomach built butterflies, and his mind was cleared. He though of each member and how amazing they were. How handsome they were, and how perfect each member was.

  A knock on the door shook him from his simping mode.

  "Come in." He murmured. The door opened and revealed Changbin. His cheeks heated up as he sat up. "Do you need something?"

  "Uh, I know you were trying to sleep but can I just hang out with you?" He was waiting for Felix to say no, but he nodded. Changbin closed the door behind him and sat on the end of Felix's bed.

  "I couldn't sleep anyways." Felix's arms opened, meaning he requested cuddles. Changbin granted him his wish and ended up right next him holding him really close. The older could tell after a few minutes that he was slowly getting more tired. "You are really pretty, did you know that?" Felix mumbled absent-mindedly.

  Changbin smiled, not realizing how close their faces were until he could feel the youngers breath on his neck. Felix's breaths slowed, they became even. His eyes fluttered shut, and Changbin watched Felix place his head on his chest. His heart skipped a few beats and the butterflies in his stomach disappeared. He kissed Felix's forehead and whispered back, in his best English, "Anything you think you aren't, you are."

He smiled the placed his head on top of Felix's. "Pretty, cute, smart, funny, very attractive, perfect."

  Changbin felt his own eyelids become heavy. He let his tiredness take over and he fell asleep.

  Felix's eye opened, his face red. The words spoken to him looped in his head. His arms around Changbin tightened, and his heart rate increased highly. A stupid and giddy smile on his face.

  Who wouldn't react that way? His idol just called his everything he believed he lacked. He might never get out of the fanboy stage.

Guys, I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday. My motivation was the lowest it has been the entire book.

  I'll make it up to you guys by giving you guys a special at the end of the book. I think I am getting close to the end, maybe 10 or 15 more chapters.

  Love yall

-your now motivated author


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