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Two Hours after breakfast, the guys had most of the penthouse packed, besides the extra stuff Felix was going to give his friends. In fact, he was giving the entire place to Junima, since she was the one who has been over the most. Her absolutely adored the place, so he called her and told her he was moving out. Kyle, Hyunai and Junima approved of the entire situation, while Omani was still reluctant to give in, but all four of them would be there to say good bye, since the dorms were in Seoul, and Felix was in Busan.

After getting all the luggage in the bus (Trust me it wasn't a lot of stuff besides the dogs stuff), Mira jumped up onto Seungmin and made herself comfortable on the bus she has never seen before. Chan pet Mira for a bit before noticing that Felix decided to sit at the front of the bus. He turned to Minho, and started questioning him.

"Why did you do that?"

Minho looked up from his phone and shot his a confused glance. "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, let me elaborate. Why did you just shove Felix food he didn't want? He clearly was about to say he could rat that much food."

"Whoops, I guess I didn't hear him clear enough." He shrugged, focusing on his electronic again. Chan snatched the phone from him and glared at him. "Okay! Okay! I'll explain, just give me my phone back! I saw a really cute fanart." He whined, reaching for his phone back.

"Explain, now."

What's going to happen? I really don't know. Guess you'll find out tomorrow.

-your (not) cute author,

Puppy 💜💜🖤🖤

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