From You... #10

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  Gripping onto Hyunjin's shirt, Felix was asleep, his face swollen from his tears and his body against the older's chest. The redhead scrolled on Instagram, worry on his face with tear stained cheeks. He was glad Felix finally drank the water but he fell asleep before he finished the bottle.

  Sighing, he scrolled and scrolled, looking at the endless tags he's gotten from STAYS worried about the entire group. It was so unexpected, and pretty much something everyone hated. This shouldn't have happened, and everyone knew it.

  One post caught his eye, one from Jeongin four hours ago.

=///=_ _ _=///=

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You never know what people are thinking. So don't assume that people are happy or satisfied, because it can turn out that the happiest person in the room and be the one whose hanging on by a thread.
Just make sure that you all understand that kpop idols are people too! Please don't spread unneeded stress for the group because we are all are getting quite busy. I am probably going to get in trouble for posting this but I'm being honest.
I love you guys!

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Inconsistent and short chapters help my sanity decrease. :)

Enjoy the cliffhanger!

Also, I'm so sorry for lack of content lately, I've been pretty depressed and not motivated, but here something that can be non helpful to the storyline whatsoever.


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