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Last Part of Easter Special

  After their meal, the two elder men escorted Felix back to the limo, then handing him a small note for the next part.

  "Hope you enjoyed the meal Bokkie. See you later!" Hyunjin waved, closing the door after Minho said his flirtatious goodbye. A small grin formed on the boys lips, as he unfolded the not and began reading.

  Dear Lix,

Your driver will be taking you to meet some of your friends. They will tell you what to do and where to go next. It'll be a good twenty minutes away from your current spot, assuming that you haven't left the Cafe yet. Good luck Felix/Bokkie/Babyboy/Lix!

Your fellow members

Reading the end of the note, he released a breathy sigh from his throat, knowing that it was probably a struggle getting them there. He immediately opened his groupchat with his four best friends, about the try to interrogate them.

Ťěxťıňğ |______________| Send

My Wonderful Idiot Besties

Why didn't yall tell ne bout dis hunt thingy?

I wanted to but they forced me not to say anything

Plus, Jumina threaten me with a EVIL threat.

I only threatened cuddle privileges you dumbass

I am so glad that I am not in a relationship with Ju, Kyle is so much nicer that Omani 🥰

Stfu Hyu, Kyle can be a real dick sometimes

Aye, why you calling me out? I didn't do nothing!

Damn yall are to problematic, but Hyunjin is more dramatic that Mani. Kyle is more stooped than me, and Hyunai is just bad at comparing people just like Jacob from 5th grade.

Broooooooooo, so rood. 😠

So cute when you angry 😘😘😘

Get a room you two

Lowkey doe.

Ťěxťıňğ |______________| Send

  Just like the note said, twenty minutes later, the car stopped. Felix again, exited the car and was immediately embraced by his two tallest friends, Omani and Kyle.

  "Guys- chill out. We saw eachother last week-" Felix reassured.

  "Bitch that is way too long." Junima said, joining the hug.

  Hyunai cleared her throat to try and get the back on track. "Come on you bozos. We have to get Felix ready for tonight." She had a smirk on her lips, as she grabbed her boyfriend and her best friends hand. "Let's go get his makeup done! I don't think he'll want go look very plain later."

  Jumina laughed in agreement, grabbing onto her girlfriend's hand, swinging it around childishly. "It's right around the corner."

  "So what is happening? I wasn't told what I am hunting for."

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