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Before we start this chapter I would like to say some things before we begin. I am so happy and so grateful for all of those who are enjoying this book. This morning I woke up to 70 notifications and I was so surprised. Thank you all so much! Please continue to leave comments, it makes me really happy to read and see all of them. Thank you.


Ťěxťıňğ |______________| Send

  A small groan escaped Felix's lips when he felt a bright light shining on his face. He blinked a couple times before he sat up to take in the appearance of his room. But it wasn't his room. Panic mode turned on quickly. He looked around for a bit to notice anything familiar. His looked at his clothes a noticed a jacket.

  'Jisung's Jacket...'

  Relieved, he sighed, now remembering what happened. After his entire thought circle of panic and relief, he decided to get up. He walked into the bathroom of the unknown place, then finally realized it was a hotel. Felix washed his face that was now stained of makeup from the day before. He groaned at the red lip stain that wouldn't remove itself from his mouth. He was completely oblivious to the door of the hotel room openening.

  "Oh Felix, I didn't know you were awake." The familiar voice of Changbin said, joining Felix in the bathroom.

  "I just woke up." He replied, his voice a bit dry. Felix turned his attention to Changbin, not looking surprised at his presence, but in head head he was still fanboying over the fact they all DMed him and couldn't process anything surprising anymore.

  "I can kinda tell. I was just going to wake you up but now that I know you're up I'll head out." He said, but before he could leave Felix placed a hand on his shoulder.

  Once he realized his action, he immediately pulled his hand back, and saw Changbin looking back at him. "Uhhm- Can you stay for a bit?" He asked in English, hoping he understood his words. The older nodded, smiling a bit.

  Changbin started telling Felix what happened while he was asleep, the entire Jisung cuddling him, him taking a picture but kmowing it wasn't concented, Chan and the guys glaring, and some extra bits and fragments of what else happened. Felix gave a small laugh, and ran his fingers through his tangled blonde hair.

  "Oh also, we're all having breakfast at eight then we're all going back to practice and stuff. You can join us if you want. Chan told me to invite you." Felix smiled at his words, and nodded.

  "Tell him I'll come, but I need to shower so do you have any clothes I could possibly borrow?"

  "Yeah, I do, I'll go grab them. I'll leave them on the bathroom counter." He said before slipping out of the bathroom.

  Once more, Felix sighed, but happily. Changbin was so cute and so sweet. He was extremely attractive in the mornings aswell, like always, but the was Changbin's hair looked more messy than usual made Felix's stomach flutter. Any human being would agree with him and say that Changbin was almost the cutest thing in the world.

Jeongin is the first. 😊

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