"It's my parents."

"I guess that does make sense. I would have also assumed you owned it or something. You know, summer escape from work or something."

"Although I love coming out to the farm and doing the work, I don't think I could do this all day, every day for years. I am much more of a city goer." I see Natasha shiver slightly and I rest my hand on her shoulder. "Come, let's go inside. No need for you to catch your death out here on your birthday."

"Oh but every other day is okay?"

"Well it's just you're getting old and you know older people get colder quickly."

"I am not old!" Natasha scoffs but follows me inside, taking off her shoes but keeping her warm jacket on.

"And yet here you are shivering like you have had ice water dumped over you."

"Whatever." She mumbles to herself as she follows me into the kitchen where I start to boil the kettle.

"So where does everyone think you are today?" I look at Nat as she searches the cupboards, obviously looking for some mugs and I let her keep looking.

"I said that I had a last minute work meeting that I had to be in person for. They should believe it long enough for me to be able to get home before I get interrogated for it. Ah there you are." Natasha smiles widely as she pulls the mugs from the cupboard waving them towards me triumphantly.

"Well I can always just log into Stark's system and add one in if you think you need the proof. Thanks, tea or coffee?" I take the mugs from Natasha as she leans her back against the counter.

"Coffee, I need some go go juice."

"Go go juice?"

"Yup." She pops the p with a cheeky smile before lifting herself up to now sit on the counter as I get to making the drinks. "Oh and I don't think that you will need to make a fake meeting, they shouldn't look into it. I made sure to be straight to the point that it was a corporate meeting a few cities away, blah blah blah corporate bullshit."

"Right, got it." I pass Natasha her mug and nod my head towards the living room.

"So what do you do around here for fun?" Natasha hops off of the counter following me towards the couch, both of us sitting either end so we can tuck our legs under our bodies and face each other.

"Well there are actually a few animals here that need to be tended to, but a family friend usually comes down and does that everyday so I have been working on my dad's tractor in the barn. The man broke it somehow and I always said I was going to fix it and so here I am doing that."

"You surprise me." I tilt my head at Natasha's statement as she looks at me over the top of her mug as she takes a sip of coffee.

"Uh- thanks, I think." Nat chuckles resting her mug in her lap and putting one arm on the back of the couch.

"No, I just mean you keep surprising me. You have all these hidden skills and talents, super smart. It's like you are good at everything and just have the know how to do pretty much everything too. You work in an R&D development company and yet you're out here fixing a tractor! You just have a lot of knowledge and skills and it's impressive."

"Well I have always liked learning new skills so you know I just pick up a book and try to teach myself, or I go looking for work experience or pay for a tutor for some things. I don't always like what I am learning but the life skills I come away with make it worth it. However, Pa- Tony is the one who taught me mechanics."

"That's so cool."

"Yeah." I look down to my mug suddenly feeling the tension around us start to suffocate me and I shuffle around a little to try and get comfortable which seems like an impossibility right now.

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