"Remember that fight between those two guys Reed and Johnson responded to a couple weeks back?"

"The one that made you question their relationship?" She wondered.

"Yeah...so, they got released 2 days ago...today they both turn up dead."

"Whatttt??!" She said and started looking through the case file.

"Yeah...wanna play detective with me try and figure this one out?" He asked.

"Hell yeah!" She said and started sorting through the file. Jamie went back to his office in hope that would distract Eddie for awhile.

It was starting to hit him they were having twins and he was getting a little stressed himself. When he gets stressed about home life he uses work to distract from it, he thought it would work for Eddie as well.

A minute later she was puking in the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" A female voice called out.

"Yeah sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here." She said and went out to wash her hands. Another officer had just came in, she never saw this girl before, she was young and cute.

"Are you new to this precinct?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, just graduated couple weeks ago and they transferred me here this morning." She said.

"Oh okay cool, my names Eddie Janko-Reagan, I'd shake your hand but..." she started laughing and then the girl did too.

"I get it. I'm Kristen Palmer." She introduced.

"Nice to meet you, who's squad are you rolling with? Who's your sergeant?"

"Reagan. Are you guys related?"

"Ha yeah that's my husband." She told her.

"Oh wow that's nice."

"Most days." Eddie joked and threw away the paper towels.

"I'm dating a cop too, he used to be in this precinct but got transferred of course just recently."

"Oh well that's unfortunate, who's that?" Eddie asked and they left the bathroom.

"Casey Reed? You know him?" She said.

"Uhm...uh yeah...! Yeah I do! He's nice, but uh hey, I gotta get back to work alright? See ya!" Eddie said and walked her butt right into Jamie's office. He had his back to her, writing stuff down.

"I sense a presence..." he said before turning around.

"Ah huh. I knew it. What'd you find?" He said talking about the case he gave her.

"Jamie!" She shut the door and sat down.

"That good?" He clicked his pen and put it away as he was ready to turn his chair complete towards her and give her his full attention.

"Oh no no no. THIS IS BIG! It's not about the case, it's about Reed!"

"Uh enough of that guy, I'm so tired of him and his shit."

"I know but just listen! So first off didn't know about the new female officer, Kristen Palmer? Super nice, little ditsy but she's cute. ANYWAY I was talking to her in the bathroom, she heard me puke so I had talk to her a little so I wasn't known for that-"

"Eddie where is this story going?" He said getting her back on track.

"JUST LISTEN! So she figured out we were married and then she said she was dating a cop WHO USED TO BE AT THIS PRECINCT!" She stopped, eyebrows raised, wide eyes, waiting for Jamie to figure it out for himself.

"I've been a sergeant for 5 years...do you know how many transfers happen in 5 years..." he said bluntly.


"geez, he moves on quick."

"No...I think he's dating Harper and this Kristen!"

"Okay? What did you want me to do about it?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just thought you'd think that was interesting."

"I'm not really into drama..." he told her, she got up, he now made her mad.

"Okay." She headed for the door.


"Sometimes I just wish.." she stopped.

"Wish what?"

"I wish you'd act like my best friend!"

"Eddie we are best friends, we're married! Even better."

"I understand that but I mean like a girl best friend, you know like who I can share drama with and talk about whatever with, rant to, all that stuff." She explained.

"Well I'm not a girl so...?"

"Whatever. You won't get it." She turned around and opened the door to leave.

"Eddie wait, shut the door." He told her, now she was confused.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little stressed today, it hit me we're having not one but 2 babies in a couple months, so I'm just looking at finances and trying to figure some stuff out."

"Yeah...well we'll be okay right?" She asked.

"We'll be fine...we'd be even better if one of us got a decent raise." He said crossing his arms looking at her.

"I'm confused...I'm capped off, and so are you." She said.

"I know."

"So what?"

"I think you should think about taking the promotion of detective." He told her confidently.

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