Battle Scars

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"Ahh..." Eddie cried out in pain and tried to get up.

"You bitch!" The perp yelled.

"Eddie are you okay!?" Rachel came to her side to help her. Everything was spinning she couldn't quite get her balance.

"Don't move! Hey! Call a bus!" She shouted and helped her lay back down. Eddie closed her eyes feeling the pain just throb.

"Can you hear me?!" Rachel was growing concerned. The perp was yelling and hollering obscure things at them but Rachel was blocking it out only focusing on Eddie.

"Yeah." Eddie said opening her eyes and seeing 2 Rachel's above her. She knew this was not good, all the commotion in the background of other officers and the crowd of people were making her head hurt, it was like a bad hangover.

A couple minutes later she heard the ambulance pull up which was a whole new level of loud. Rachel got up and told them what happened as they got out there bag of stuff to examine Eddies condition.

"She hasn't been very responsive..." Rachel told them and then waited on the phone for Jamie to answer.

Half hour later, Jamie busted through the hospital doors, flustered.

"Sergeant Reagan...there was an officer brought in, Edit Janko?" Jamie said when he approached the front desk at the hospital. The women very relaxed started looking it up on the computer, Jamie was growing impatient at the women's lack of hurry.

"She's not available to have visitors right now officer she's resting." The women said.

"I'm her husband. What room is she in?" Jamie commanded.

"Oh. Sorry officer... room 7." She said with annoyance.

"Thanks, and it's sergeant." He corrected and hurried off to the room down the hall. She looked terrible, and he hated it. Laying there asleep, with a swollen black eye, her hair up sloppily in a bun. Jamie walked in and stood beside the bed.

"Eddie." He said, she opened the eye she could and saw him standing there, his face showed it all. He held her hand not knowing what to even say.

"Hi-" her voice breaking and she started crying. Jamie's heart broke, he sat on the bed and hugged her as best he could.

"You're okay..." he told her softly and rubbed her shoulder while they still held a hug.

"My life felt like it flashed before my eyes." She said with tears still pouring out. Jamie let go of her and tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"I bet. Just try and relax, you'll be okay, you are okay." He assured her.

"Huh, I look awful." Eddie started talking down on herself.

"Eddie...-" Jamie said.

"Do you know how many stares I'm going to get, and the kids! Oh my god...the kids aren't gonna want to be near me." She said shaking her head.

"Babe stop. Don't think about that, your still their mom, they'll see through it" Jamie assured her not really knowing if it was going to be true or not. He grabbed her hand and kissed her quick, wanting her to feel better.

"You're always beautiful" he whispered, she smirked a little.

"Huh. I have a headache, did they tell you anything?" She said changing the subject.

"No...the lady at the desk wasn't exactly too loving of her job." Jamie said annoyed and got up wanting to talk to her doctor, he kissed her cheek.

"Wait, Jamie. How are the kids?" Eddie stopped him at the door.

"Ryan was sleeping when I called and pop said Alaina was eating her snack." Jamie told her.

"Good." Eddie said content and then he left to talk to the doctor.

A couple hours later Jamie was able to take Eddie home, she still had a slight headache but the medicine was helping.

They got home and pop had the kids eating dinner and plenty more for Jamie and Eddie to also eat.

"Hey, you doing okay?" Pop got up to see them.

"Yeah..." she said sighing, she was nervous about the kids reactions.

"As okay as you can be I guess huh? Well I'll let you two go." He said getting his coat. They thanked him for everything and locked the door behind him.

"Dada" Ryan said when he saw Jamie, Alaina picked her head up from her plate and smiled ear to ear as always when one of them got home. Jamie knelt down for Alaina to run into his arms, he always gave her a "big bear hug"they called it.

"Were you a good girl today?" He asked and kissed her forehead. She shook her head yes and then wanted Eddie.

"Hey wait Lainey... you have to be gentle with mommy okay?" Jamie kept hold of her little hand and tried to explain to the 2 year old, she looked up at Eddie and her face immediately filled with fear and confusion. Eddie knelt down not wanting to scare her, she knew she looked like a monster.

"Mommy got a boo boo at work today, it's okay." She told her. Alaina grasped Jamie's hand a little harder.

"It's okay's still mommy." Jamie reminded her and gently pushed her to give Eddie her hug. She opened her hands wanting her to give in, she started to get teary eyed when she looked so scared and unsure.

"Give mommy a hug, mommy needs a hug." Jamie persuaded and then she did it. They both smiled and were relieved. Eddie could've cried she was thankful she didn't run away crying.

"See. Your still mommy...they see through anything." Jamie reminded her and winked.

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