A [Short] Journey Will Begin

Start from the beginning

You sat back into your seat as you set the newspaper down on the table. With your arms crossed, you suggested, "Well, first off, people are going to start rumors no matter what, so ignore them. We can just prove them wrong later, so that's nothing bad. Now, as for who did this, I have an idea."

Images flashed through your mind, and you clenched your jaw. "I've never met this Blue Lightning, but I have met a guy who can destroy fifty houses in ten seconds."

Realization slowly crept onto Subaru's face in the form of fear, and Omega couldn't decide whether she should grin or frown.

"This was the work of Regulus Corneas, the Sin Archbishop of Greed. And this means that even Reinhard couldn't beat him."

Time Skip

The entire Emilia camp was gathered in the meeting room, the same one that you and the others played D&D in. Well, you played it in Echidna's Castle of Dreams, but your bodies were in this room.

Emilia sat at the head of the table, with Roswaal facing her from the other end.

Subaru sat to her right, with Beatrice in his lap. Garfiel sat next to him, and with the demihuman came his sister, Frederica.

You sat opposite from Subaru, which was Emilia's left-hand side. Omega obviously sat next to you, and to her side was Elsa, and Meili next to Bowel Hunter.

Ram sat next to Roswaal, and Otto was seated between her and Meili.

Clind and Annerose (who was the head of the mansion) were absent, but that did not matter, because this meeting was for Emilia's political campaign and The Crusaders.

At this point, everybody present had heard about the story in the newspaper, because that was exactly why the rare meeting was called to order.

After waiting for everybody to settle in their chairs, Emilia stood up from her position at the head of the table and looked down the table to make sure that everyone was making eye contact. "We all know that a super bad thing happened, so we need to figure out how we will help Reinhard and Felt-san. Before I tell you what I think, does anybody want to give us their suggestion?"

Subaru raised his hand immediately. "It's obvious, isn't it? We need to go there and help! I know that we can't do anything about the damage, but we can at least help the people out over there! Most of us here are a part of The Crusaders, and one of our goals is to help people out after the Witch Cult attacks, so this is something that we need to do!"

Several heads nodded in agreement, but Roswaal shifted in his seat. "Are you suuuuure about this, Subaru-kun?"

"Eh?" Garfiel interjected. "Are ya tryin' ta say tha' th' Cap'n's wrong?"

The Margrave shrugged. "Ammmmmm I? All I wish to say is that helping the Felt camp in any way would do more harm than good. Is that not correct, Emiliaaaaa-sama?"

Emilia nodded her head without a trace of hesitance. "Yes, you're right, but I also agree with Subaru. Can we not send help, even though they might not want it? I think that helping people is more important than political games."

Seeing a chance to argue, Omega smirked and raised her hand. "Ah, but that is where your logic is flawed. For you see, what gives you the idea that our assistance is required? I am certain that the Sword Saint and the Astrea family have a great deal of resources, so what reason would they have to ask for aid?"

"Well," you said, "you're not wrong, but doesn't it just feel wrong to act like this has nothing to do with us? I know that he'll probably reject it, but can't we at least reach out to Reinhard? He's a member of The Crusaders, so I feel like we should at least check up on him and make sure that he doesn't actually need help, because there's a limit to how much a person, even one as cracked as him, can do."

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now