xxxvii - take a break

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"You sick, psychopathic, fucktard shit! What the fuck you done to me?! Where the fuck are we?! You fuckin' release me and I'll take you on with my both hands-"

Dream laughed at his struggle, finding all of this hilarious, "Oh, Tommy..You never fail to make me laugh. It surprises me that no matter how much I am keen to break you, you just get back up. I don't understand that."

Tommy's baby blue eyes had turned to lightning blue, full of anger and fury; eager to escape, "I always get back up. I'll never break because of a nobody like you."

The other only grinned, and grabbed Tommy's neck to which the other reacted wildly. Familiar emotions were exploding back to him, as his fear responses took off as well, "I have time to make you get that far, Tommy. I have time."

Tommy gasped and wheezed, saliva fell down his mouth. His legs moved and his hands begged to break free to take Dream's hand off of him.

He was dying, he was dying, he's dying-

Colour filled his vision once more; lightheaded, lack of oxygen. It was wrong to admit that this already was a familiar feeling to him.

He's going to die.

Instantly, he pulled his grip away which led Tommy choking up for air, tears trickling down his cheeks..relieved that he can finally breathe again.

His body wished to cry but he shook it away. He just strangled him, that's all.

Dream should do a lot more if he wants him to beg and weep, "I'm going to do a lot of that, worse than that, so you better behave."

Tommy hoarsely chuckled, laughing away his pain.

Terrified as he is, traumatized as he is to be trapped once more with the worst person in the world to just be stuck in, he could only laugh.

The same man who tortured him in Exile, who destroyed his home, who killed him in the prison, who made him feel what it feels like to die and to be revived,

"I'd love to see you try to break me. I got all day."

The monster scoffed, and lifted shears from his pockets. Tommy's mind was messed up to know what he's going to do to him, and he was ready for it,

"So do I."











He has no idea how long he's been staring at that wall.

How long has it been exactly?

Another flashback, another nightmare.

The only thing he can appreciate is that he's been getting them less and less.

It's funny to admit that he's actually getting better.

It's going to be a random day, as usual. Hope for the best, nothing would trigger him, and



Oh well.

His room has improved, quite larger unlike what he stayed back then in Tubbo's the same time, filled with furniture..particularly cabinets, bookshelves, and many chests.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora