Cody's Day - Part II

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Cody, the birthday boy decided to cook for his guests during lunch.

When he announced it, everyone keep arguing that he should relax and let them do the work since it's his special day but he refused.

He already brought ingredients and spices from home just for the occasion so no, he's not dropping his plan. He practiced the selected menus a few times and he's determine to get their compliments.

While Cody's cooking, the others spend their waiting time in the living room, talking and some watching TV. Alice and Kate moved to one of the room so Kate who's pregnant can rest on the bed.

Since Cody forbade anyone entering the kitchen to help, it took him three hours to finish. Thankfully, the food tasted amazing and it satisfied the chef when he saw all the empty plates on the table aside the gravy. Everyone seem to like it.

He wonder if it's that tasty or out of hunger since they only had to eat lunch on two in the afternoon but he's pretty sure he didn't starve them. All that matter was they enjoyed it.

Seem like it.

With their belly full, they decided to take a walk by the beach and hangout while waiting for the sunset.

When it's almost time, they spread out, taking their own partner to various spot. It's a private beach so there's no one other than them even during the golden hour and perfect opportunity to kiss their love ones in the magnificent ambience.

Everyone went back to the villa when the sun's down.

That night the celebration for Cody's birthday took place at the grand banquet of the villa. They served different types of food which all of it consist of the birthday boy's favorite.

Derek spent quite awhile choosing the menus since his lover love almost everything but he managed to come up with eight menu from different countries. He never been happier to witness the toothy grin and happy hum of his lover especially the dessert.

For the cake, it's coffee flavoured, covered in light pink fondant and of course, Jigglypuff with Ash hugging on the top. On the side of the bottom layer cake, written 'I choose you, Jigglypuff'.

Derek's sister laughed once she saw it and said, 'You're still as obsessed to Pokemon.'

The silver haired CEO didn't want to ruin the mood and thought a shot of glare would be enough for now which thankfully, she didn't add any more to fuel his annoyance.

In the midst of enjoying the cake with Highden's oldest wine and mid aged No-Mad, the Rafael couple present their gifts.

They claimed it to be nothing compared to what the CEOs gave but a very heartwarming gifts for Cody personally and he's forever blessed to have such supporting friends.

Even back then, during the time he said he wanted to change his identity which to a sane mind was a mad idea but they aided him to make it happen and fund him with whatever he needed.

It almost made him tear up as he reminisce the old, hard time he went through when Alice announced that she also brought him a gift.

"I will not accept anyone else's present."

"What?" "Aw, why?" "Babe..."

"I appreciate your effort but unfortunately, I won't take it."

"Even from me?" Derek pouted.

"Especially from you, who knows what you'll give. Might be the beach or this villa or something fancy."

"You want it?"

"No! It's not a suggestion."

Being rude wasn't Cody's intention but other than him, Tyler, Kate and Ether, they are all CEOs and technically boundless in term of money. He didn't expect present or anything worth more than his salary from them but he thought a warn wouldn't hurt.

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