012 - My Source of Entertainment

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Hey guys! I'm sorry to keep you waiting when I promised to update everyday. Well, I've been busy with my sister's engagement on 14 Nov so I'm unable to update at the moment. It's been like four days since the last update from 12 Nov. Here I present to you three chapter in a row! I hope you enjoyed it and if you did, don't forget to vote! Comment is a bonus ^^  


"Wise choice of word, puff. It's a good speech though. Are you drunk?"

I said that while still holding his hand just inches away from my lips. His anger filled face and those fiery ocean eyes flipped 180 degree to an embarrassment expression and ended with blushing.

So my guess was right. He did went drinking last night. I've been known for being a good observer so I kind of guessing it the moment I saw him at the door frame.

No wonder he's late, I bet he's still having the remaining hangover effect. That explains the dark circle under his eyes that I didn't know can get darker and pretty bloated face this morning. He looked extra pale too which I'm sure it's not all of it from the running.

I can't help but to ask for confirmation. This guy, I know, is not the kind of guy that say yes to everything but will rather take a long and rough path if he wanted to. Simply said, he's an unpredictable, complicated and inconsistent boy as far as I known him in our few encounters but he's also very expressive with his emotions which made it easier for me to read him like a book and he don't even know that. Or he's just being ignorant about it.

His blushing just now confirms my accusation towards him. Not surprised though, I'm always right. But what's bothering me is that why would he blushed that hard? It's a simple question. It's not like a personal one.

His ears are turning red in an instant. Who's he with last night? It's a wrong move to even think about partying when you're going to work early in the morning. That's why I said he's one of the unpredictable human being and happened to have zero common sense.

I don't understand. If you don't want to be late, don't go drinking or partying or having sex until sunrise. It's easy, then why the fuck is this boy can't think of a simple logic there. Fucking don't hook up with random people you found on the night before work.

I didn't notice that as I was too caught up with my train of thoughts, I moved closer to him than we had ever been while still holding our previous position.

He suddenly pushed me away but thanks to all my workout, paid off with just slightly sway back despite being caught off guard. He took his stuff and walked out, stomping his feet.

He is truly a Jigglypuff, more when he's dressing in that suit. Bursting in anger but looking all cute. Like a kitten, a small little creature but contain a massive amount of passion when they're angry. Regardless their anger, it deals almost no damage to others.

But to think again, who the fuck was he with last night, making him flustered to that extend? I hope I'll get a hint tomorrow.

I've wrote a note and put it in the breast pocket of his jacket when he's out, leaving it hanging on his chair. Even though, the meeting went well, I did estimated it to finish before three o'clock. But it seems like everyone been excited for today, popping ideas and suggestions nonstop, I can't cut them midway.

I wanted him to explain to me what he learn from today with the aid of his own notes. Since we finished late today, I didn't want to cage him another hour in here. He'll go crazy if I did so I decided tell him to go to my office tomorrow first thing in the morning when he's back from his errand.

I waited so long for his return while trying to focus on whatever they're discussing at the front. After, I don't know, more than half an hour passed for sure, I'm running out of patience. Annoyed that he wasted my time to wait for him when I'm supposed to be concentrating on my work.

I asked Mr Deacon which shift to the other side of the room, evidence of their discussion, for Jigglypuff's number considering he's the one who contacted him before.

I'm gonna say that the call was not the most pleasant though. It only made me irritated even more. Regarding we're not in a good term at the moment, I'm gonna spare him. I believe he'll be mad at me when he's back so I decided to write a note and put it in the breast pocket of his jacket.

My guess is he's gonna come home, immediately get rid of the suit. Probably went straight to the washing machine. He'll check the pockets else he'll notice the faint scent of me in the jacket. He'll read it, I guarantee.

He might looked naive but he's a strong willed, smart person which means he got high level of curiosity. In a nutshell, by hook or by crook, he'll discover the note either way.

I chuckled as I realized that I was standing there, alone in an empty and dimly lit room, trapped in my own little world of flashback about a certain guy. Scratch that, boy.

Walked to my previous seat and flopped on it carelessly, made it bounce back. I grabbed my second iced caramel latte of the day and took a sip on it to the last drop. Even when the whipped cream and ice already gone, it's still so good. I'll never get bored of it.

I was about to slam dunk the cup to the bin beside the exit. Don't get me wrong, I always do this and I'm bad at it still so I'm trying to practice, okay? Don't judge me, I'm not always good at everything and this is one of it that I won't tell nobody even if I have to bring it to grave.

So, I'm going to slam dunk it until I saw the writing a lot longer than necessary, it took my interest. I turned it around to get a better look of it and found myself grinning to it.

Mr Collen ;)

Mr Jerk Off :)

He did have the guts to make such a move but I figure he chicken out midway to the plan. I found myself bursting in laughter so hard that tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.

This here, this writing on this cup is the proof when I said he's an inconsistent little boy. He must have been blinded by anger when he's ordering that he uttered such a peculiar name to the cashier.

I should be mad right now, always is. But for some reason, when it comes to the said person, I can't seem to get angry or scold him for real like any other employees. I can't help but amused by every little things he did.

I love it when he's getting agitated for most of the time near me and got sudden boost of confident when he's angry or found something unacceptable thing accused upon him which most of the time I did it intentionally.

I'm not gonna lie but I do enjoy watching him struggling and barked back every time I teased him. It displayed his hard-shelled personality in concrete which is totally different from other employees.

This kid acknowledge that he's in the disadvantage position being a mere intern against CEO where I can dismiss him any time, any moment from this company yet he got the balls to argue.

So, yes, he's the source of entertainment to my sorrow soul.

I put down the cup back to its place, I'll deal with it later. Wiping tears with my right hand while the other reaching for my notebook, neatly settled on the left side of the meeting table.

Flipped through the pages, passing my previous notes, I face palm myself. It's terrible. Bet he's clueless the entire meeting, I can't blame him though. He's a newbie in this industry, not to mention a trainee so it's normal.

There's a lot of question marks decorated almost everywhere of the pages, copying directly from the slides and unidentified writings. Well, at least he tried.

I may need to fix this if I want him to present tomorrow. I'm sure he himself won't understand his own writing. It'll only cause you headache.

I sighed before stand up and packing up my things. He should've told me at least if he's not catching up with the whole thing. He's my responsibility after all.  

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