006 - Hidden Gem

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"My advise is try to fill your empty head with something. Maybe then your life will be less miserable here." I said while smirking. Let's what he decided to do now.

I can see he was filled with anger which only add to my amusement. I can't see his hand other than the one on the papers but I'm sure he wish to land it on my face. It's not like this is my first time handling this kind of people.

I'm too fond of this industry to not know. I know exactly where this is going. If he can't handle me, might as well get out of my company.

I play dumb and act nonchalant of his change of behavior. He's tightening his jaws by now, gritting his teeth. Trying hard to cage the forbidden words from escaping his lips.

Oh, he knows what's gonna happen if he dare to spill it. Smart little guy we have here, huh?

His breath slightly quicken from the amount of pressure he was dealing. Glaring, eyebrow furrowed.

Any minute now. Say those mean words you want so bad then I'll be gladly give you the freedom you want equally.

He open his lips, "Thank you so much for your concern, Mr Collen. Here is the remaining document you requested from Highden." he said with a stable voice.

Then he put it on my desk, in the stack of checked reports that was the nearest to him. Didn't bother of getting mixed up with the other reports.

"I'll be going now. Have a nice day." he flashes a sarcastic smile before walking out to the door.

I remain unmoved after he left me alone. Replaying what he just said in my head independently. That freaking kid just did that to his boss. Not even my employee but an intern. A month old trainee.

I laugh. I fucking laugh.

I laugh historically. My laugh filled the entire room of my office. Echoing through the large empty space of my own. I'm giggling like a first timer kid playing on the playground.

Tears starting to pool in the corner of my eyes after a moment of doing so. Letting myself relax with my back resting on the leather office chair. It's been awhile since I laugh that hard . It's refreshing for once.

"Well, that was unexpected. I never thought he'll be able to contain himself until the end. He'd shown symptoms of rage that very end, I thought he would gone mad throwing stuff and so."

I reach out for the papers that the boy brought, carefully lifting it up so it doesn't messed up the stack under it. Place it on top of the previous report I was checking which is right in front of me.

That report can wait. For now, I need to focus on this report that Jigglypuff willingly sent me from 9th floor.

I flip through the pages while smiling like an idiot. If you're wondering if it's good, no. The report was bad considering its late submission but I didn't feel as irritated as always.

This is all thanks to little pink guy. Their fate was saved by that boy else,they'll be facing music by now.

Come to think of it, what were they thinking sending intern to do their job? Did they expect me to go easy on a mere intern? Well, they made a big mistake trying to predict my move.

Crowdest have made the top rank company international. To be able to reach such achievement, I have to sacrifice everything, time, money even my love life.

I'd given everything that I have for this, I must be strict in order to maintain at the top chart. It's not as easy as it sounds to manage hundreds of business deals and to lead thousands of employees.

I agree that everyone have their rights to have different opinion and I respect that but I also believe that we can't satisfy everyone. I admit I'm not a good boss but Crowdest is my top priority so I couldn't care less about what people thought about me.

If they can't stand the way I manage the company, it'll be my pleasure to push them where they belong. If they can't take my criticism towards their work, then I can't see a reason for them to stay in my property.

I don't welcome immature people. Such a waste of my investment.

I had a lot of experience with many kind of people. There are hundreds of employees got fired or hand in their resignation letter the next day after I commented on their work.

I'm well aware that they tagged me as devil boss but I didn't mind though. It's true. There's the more reason for them to be afraid of me which hopefully affect their good quality work.

I purposely got my employees on edge, testing how strong is their mentality. Well, I did it to people that looks narrow minded and naive actually. My prediction is always right by the way. Not a single person keep calm once I use that tactic.

So when Jigglypuff successfully remain sane till the end and decided to ignore all my insults is a satisfaction to my sadistic soul. It almost felt like seeing rainbow after a long and heavy rain.

I had to admit he's a hard-shelled little guy and I had so much fun teasing since ages.

I chuckle. "I guess Lance did a right choice accepting him. He's not as brat as I thought after all."

Author's note : 

Hey! Here you go. Been updating frequently since I very much liked how this story went. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you did, don't forget to vote or leave a comment ^^ I'm not forcing you tho so no pressure hehe. Until then, see you tomorrow! <3 

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