017 - A Great Start

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It didn't took that long for us to wait until the food arrived. We did converse while waiting although most of the time it's Cody's ranting about whatever matter crossed his mind at the moment. All the shyness gone by the wind.

"And you know, Mr Collen. He told me to just missed that class when I'm the one who was suppose to present. Isn't that crazy?" Then he laughed before sipping on the red wine.

I didn't respond him right away, just staring at every action he takes. Savoring the detail of his smile that was fading as his lips touches the rim of the glass and took a sip on it. Maybe I was staring for too long without noticing that the boy's already staring back with a worried face.

"Oh, I'm sorry that you have to hear my childish stories. I shouldn't bore you with that kind of stuff."

"No, no, it's okay. I love seeing you excited." Yes, I do love watching him sharing stories about ridiculous thing that I had nothing to do about like it's the most exciting matter in the world with the aid of his hands going everywhere, expressing his emotions.

He stop on track when he's about to grab a certain sauce located a little further than him and blushed. You liked that compliment, don't you?

"And please, puff, call me Derek. You slipped Mr Collen before and I'm telling you again so you'll remember this time."

"I-I know, I'm sorry." Then proceed with the sauce. He dip the whole sliced chicken breast into it with his fingers when there's a fork right beside him and say, "That reminds me, you changed my contact to Derek with a heart emoji on it."

"Your point is?" I said as I pop a bite size of medium rare steak inside my mouth. Hm, that's so good. I can't never get bored of it.

Another bite on the chicken, "Duh, the heart emoji?"

"What about it?"

"What do you mean what about it?" He pause to take another huge bite of it, I swear I heard him moaning but I choose to shrug it off. For now. "It's kinda off to put a heart on a guy's contact. I wanna remove it but I'm telling you beforehand. Else, you'll be angry like I've stolen your food or something."

"Don't remove it."

"Why not?"

"I'll change yours to Jigglypuff for real if you make any changes."

"You cannot do-"

"Can't I?"

He furrowed his eyebrow, looking at me for confirmation as he's chewing. I stare back at him while lifting one of my eyebrow. Fighting silently for dominance through each other's eyes.

He sigh. That's the signal I knew that I won the staring contest. "Fuck." He said before reaching for another plate, continue on eating other food.

That 'fuck' was so hot.

He grimace at the broccoli on his plate. I can see it across the table although he's trying to hide it. "You hate broccoli, puff?"

He didn't look at me but reply, "Hm, it's not that I hate it. I just don't like the taste of it on my tongue. Tasted so... broccoli, you what I mean."

I crack into a laugh. "No, I don't know what you mean. Of course, it'll taste like brokoli because it is a broccoli." I laughed so hard that my stomach started to hurt and tears pooling in the corner of my eyes.

"Fuck, Derek. I don't know how to explain it, okay. You don't have to make fun of me." With the upset tone as he said that but forgotten as he strike his, once again, fingers on the neatly chopped salmon burger into his mouth. Another moan escaped his lips.

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