004 - Sacrificing An Innocent Sheep

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[Derek's POV]

"I would like to congratulate everyone on your report. Keep up with your work. We'll meet again next month, and I'll be expecting a better performance report then." Derek said before standing up and leaving the meeting room with his assistant.

The boss enters the elevator first then the other man follows suit to the basement. As they arrive, his assistant holds the door for both of them to exit.

They got into a black limousine with tinted glass parked just outside the glass door of the entrance. The driver got out and open the door for Derek. He got inside while his assistant enters the passenger seat beside the driver.

As soon as the driver got back inside, he asks, "Where to, sir?"


The driver was startled for a second. "May I remind you that it's 1:43 in the morning, sir? Wouldn't you like to call it a day?"

He smirks. "To be honest, I didn't expect the meeting to go on for so long. The performance this month has been lacking compared to last month. The statistics dropped slightly. I can't rest knowing the status dropped before our premiere launching in three weeks."

"Neither with your well-being, sir." the driver answers again.

The driver is an old worker of Dereks. He was there before Crowdest and as the business evolved so did their their friendship. He's slightly older than Derek but they keep their employer-employee relationship professional.

Since he's clueless when it comes to business and numbers, he made use of his driving skill to serve Derek. He is one of the few people that can joke around with him without making the boss angry or alarmed.

Derek chuckle. "Harry, sleep can wait. Besides, I can take a nap in my private bed. I'm pretty sure I've renewed my spare suite there from last time so don't worry. Nobody's gonna know that I didn't go home."

Harry sighs, "As you wish, sir." He starts the engine and then drives away to Crowdest headquarters.


It was only 6:45 am when Tara arrived at her desk. She's unusually early today since there's a report of heavy traffic for road construction. She decided to go to work early so she wouldn't have to rush later.

She put her things under her desk before entering her boss' office with an iced caramel latte in hand. He has the same coffee every day.

Derek Collen looking all tough and mighty. People would've expected him to drink something strong like espresso or at least cold brew but no. Believe it or not, her boss likes sweet stuff. Cake, candy, chocolate, you name it.

Despite his sugar intake, it doesn't seem to affect his body. Nope, the biceps, jawline, and thick thighs are still there.

She carelessly walk inside and almost drop the coffee when she saw said man was sitting on his throne with stacks of report papers around his desk. Looks like he didn't go home last night.

"Did I surprise you?" he said, looking at her with the report still in hand wearing a genuine smile.

Tara straighten her posture, "It has been a while since the last time you started working early. Usually, you start at 8. It caught me off guard. Pardon me, sir." She then puts the coffee on the coaster near his intercom.

"It's fine. Thank you, Tara."

"You're welcome, sir." She said and left.


- Later that evening -

"Come in."

Tara came in almost immediately after hearing his boss' angry voice on the intercom.

"Is there a problem, Mr Collen?"

He let go of the papers in his hand and massage his temple. "There's a particular department that seems to have sent me an incomplete report."

Here goes the devil boss character. Calmly she answers, "I'm sorry on their behalf. Which department is it?"

Without missing a beat, he immediately says while shooting his secretary a glare that sends chills down her spine.



[Cody's POV]

Cody was sitting on his desk near the printer machine, reading a manual book he found while printing that morning. Honestly, he didn't understand a thing so he casually flipped through the pages when suddenly Mrs Green come to his desk.

"Hey, Cody. Are you busy now?"

He shakes his head. "Not at all. Is there anything I can help you with, Mrs. Green?"

She hesitate for a second before saying, "You said you wanted to do something other than your usual tasks, right?"

Cody got so excited that he immediately stand straight. Book long forgotten. "Yes, I do. Do you have a job for me, ma'am?" he said then grinned.

"I might have something but I don't know if you want to do it o-"

"I will do whatever!" he interrupted. Offering a toothy grin to the lady.

"Okay then. This document," she hand over a few papers to the boy. "needs to be sent to the CEO's secretary on the 30th floor immediately."

Cody can't hide his shocked face and stuttered, "t-the CEO?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry we're quite desperate since the CEO wants it ASAP, but we have a meeting in a moment. It's okay if you don't want to do it though. I understand."

"No, no, no. I'll do it. You can depend on me, Mrs Green. I'll be going now." he said before dashing out of the office, leaving Mrs. Green unmoved from her spot.

"Isn't our meeting not until another hour, Liz? Why are we doing it now?" a male employee with a checkered shirt asked.

"You sure it's a good plan, Liz?" another employee went and stood beside her.

She nods. "This is our best option. I totally forgot to print the last part of the analysis section. Mr. Collen will be furious if it's one of us that sends it." She continues, "I'm sure Mr. Collen wouldn't be that harsh towards an intern, right guys?"

She glances at the other employees' uncertain faces and some even shake their heads. All of a sudden feeling guilty for their sacrificed black sheep.

"He was a good man during his lifetime."

Author's note : 

I appreciate everyone that made it here. Next chapter will be meeting time! Love yaa <3

Edited by 

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