070 - Preliminary

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[6.01 am] Derek stepped into the lobby of Enel Holdings.

It was still a lot early to start the day of work. Only about three other people than him walking inside the building. They all bow in unison while greeting a good morning as they saw the silver haired man in his finest suit entered.

That alone mark how far the man's popularity stretch for even the Italian recognize him.

He is the CEO of a well known company but what really boost his popularity probably has something to do with the recent news.

Tara sent a full article of a famous magazine to the man last night. He had been qualified in the 'Top Ten of A MUST Have Bachelor' but remain unfazed. It's not like his first time picked in the ridiculous chart like those as he would label it. He always been disinterest in gaining attention from any media and perhaps annoyed to be in one of their headlines.

It just mean he has to face with the upcoming wave of bothersome reporters once they get back. It's a nuisance when he already had so much in his hands to handle.

He sigh deeply after reading the article, mind started imagining Cody's reaction when he sees it later. He knows all too well that the boy hates attention.

Unlike before, he only had to face it alone which is fine since he knows his own limit. Now that he has a companion that will soon stick by his side, he had to play safe and get a firmer grasp of the media so they don't bother include the young lad in any of their reports in the future.

Derek gave Tara the full authority to call it off within the 24 hours time. He could easily take it down in the absence of consent but as a businessman himself, he's aware of their hardship.

As taxing as they are, the reporters only carrying out their duty and instant remove after release is a waste of their effort. So instead, he gave them 24 hours to get their desired publicity and recognition before taking it down.

It's a win-win situation.

[6.04 am] Derek exit the elevator and walk gracefully with his long legs further into the office he went yesterday.

As he expected, only a single man in a navy suit sitting by his desk, starts working on his computer when it's still ahead of time.

Instead of going for the CEO office, he walk towards the cubicle workstation. As he gets closer, the once frowning man turn wide eyed upon noticing the majestic CEO inching nearer.

He spring up on the second blink. "G-Good morning, Mr Collen!"

"Sit down."

Derek is standing beside the desk, hands inside his pants pocket while gazing down at the surprised man.

"N-No. You can sit on my chair, sir. I'll just stand." He stuttered, pushing his own chair to where the silver haired standing.

It spooked him a little when the golden eyes kept staring at him without a word. It's piercing right to his soul and making him think twice of his gesture.

"I know it's a worn out c-chair but we don't h-have anythi-"

Derek startled him as he suddenly move to the chair in silent and made the other man swallow back his words.

While sitting down, he says, "My, you don't have to be so formal, Mr Rimerr. We already exchange texts, we should past that awkward phase, don't you think?"

"Hm, I don't k-know, sir. You only asked me to come to work at 6 am." The representative jolted again as he watch Derek cross his legs. "I wouldn't d-dare to label myself any higher than a mere-"

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