038 - From Dots to Line

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"It's nice doing business with you, Mr Collen." My officially business partner said as soon as we signed the contract we've been discussing for two hours.

"That's out of the ordinary."

"What is?"

"To have such a good manner, Mr Monte."

"I'm a businessman after all. I'm quite serious when it comes to business." he smirked.

"But what made you reached out to me so sudden?"

He shrug, "Maybe because I want to?"

"Cut the crap. I'm not an idiot." I said indifferent.

"Don't you think you're being a little too harsh with your choice of words, Mr Collen?" Despite the complaint, he looked rather amused.

"Business matter is over. Now answer." When he remain unspoken, I continue, "You said you wouldn't even want to taste Highden before and just now we made a deal to let Highden in VeHx's menu for at least two years. I thought only No-Mad was allowed in your club. What the fuck?"

I was frustrated when he's being secretive about it the first time he contacted Tara. I tried baiting during meeting but failed so now that it's over, I give no fuck to point it out directly.

He laughed. "So you're saying that people can't change their mind?"

The way he's so relax is pissing me off. "It's you. You never change your mind without a sensible reason. Tell me."

"Tell you what? I told you everything you deserve."

"Your reason."

"I owe you no explanation, Derek. All I'm saying is that I changed my mind after taking some matter accountable and found the outcome aren't as bad so I give it a try."

I can't deny that he's really good with words but nope. The professional type of answer. If I'm an amateur, I will fall for that.

"Are you plotting something?"


"I'm not playing games here. Did you plan on sabotaging my product?"

"What the heck are talking about?" his eyes widen slightly and the smirk before fade instantly from his face, replace with a rather serious one.

"I mean why else would you want to make such a profitable contract when we're not in a good term for so long."

"Why are you being so negative?"

"Have you heard about the saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer? How do I know you're not trying a new strategy to bring me down?"

"You just need to trust me that I'm not."

"Then convince me, Mr Monte."

"Why are we even in this topic? Shouldn't you be happy that we came to an agreement? At this point, you're just picking up on everything I did when I'm being completely innocent."

"You see, Crowdest won't survive another day in this industry if I'm reckless. Although I'm very pleased that it all went well, I can't just shrug off my suspicion to your bizarre action. If we're going to work together, I want us to be transparent to each other." I said sternly.

We batted eyes for a quick moment before he finally sigh. "Let's just say I found something valuable here." he sigh.

"Someone to be exact."

"You chose my employee over your dignity?" He scoff but didn't deny. "Is she Tara?"

"She's pretty but mine's gorgeous."

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