060 - Fetish

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Derek's POV

We snuggled for who knows how long. His heartbeat is steady and I thought he had gone back to sleep.

I didn't mean to interrupt him but his nipple was just there, grazing my bottom lips the entire time and I had to fight the urge to lick it.

So what I did was intentionally breathe out harder, letting the heat of my breath hit the semi hard nipple. He didn't react the first time but gasp on my second attempt.

I did it a few more times and his breath hitch each time, hoping that he'll moan but I was known for being an impatient person so, I reach my tongue out to the nub, brushing against it slowly.

As I did that, the boy made a high pitch groan.

His reaction excites me more. I gave a solid swipe which then rewarded with another delicious moan from the lad.

I glance up, he had his eyes closed. It's either he's feeling himself or simply sleepy. To that, I change my position to sit crossed legs with Cody's limbs resting on top of my thighs.

The boy notice me and those eyelids flutter open, looking down at me.

"W-Why did you stop?"

"You're tired. Let's-"

"No!" My eyebrow quirked at his exclaim. Upon seeing my expression, he blushed but remain our eye contact.

"You can continue." He said, whispering towards the end.

"Puff, it's okay-"

He reach for my hand that rest on one of his thigh, moving my much larger palm to his naked chest.

"Derek..." All he did was calling my name, staring at me with a very lewd expression.

It's as if he's begging, never fail to stir my guts with that look. My own self control is slipping yet I still try to remain calm in front of the boy.

"After making that face, you know you can't turn back on your words, right puffy?"

Without hesitation, he nod. I would rather classify it as a warning rather than question so I'm glad he did.

"Well then, do me a favor. Unbutton your shirt-"

His fingers got busy right away. He undone the buttons from the top to the bottom in no time.

"Spread it open."

He obeyed and keep holding them wide with his innocent eyes that conceal a desire as filthy as mine.

My hungry stare was already devouring the view the moment he undone the first button.

It's weird because it's just Cody's chest. As a guy, it should be normal to see a flat chest and not to mention, I've seen it countless times.

Yet, at the sight of his hairless chest and especially his pink nipples that look like pleading to be suck, an electric shock right to my crotch.

Cody accused me of having nipple fetish. I'm not sure if that's true, I've never realize that before but now, I think I might have.

Especially Cody's, it's so hard to neglect. My mouth need it immediately.

I chuckle. "You drive me insane, puff."

It was the last line I said before leaning down, wrapping my arms around his waist and chomp on the tiny pink bud.

I circle my tongue around the semi hard nipple and stretch it enough to hear the younger gasp before continue sucking, a random sequence after that.

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