36. The greater good - Angel

Start from the beginning

Water can erode rocks and water at a high enough pressure can peel concrete off metal, so it could certainly also peel the flesh off bones.

Katharina screamed and started bleeding all over. The drops injured her, like little blades and bullets. Angel also felt the pain and fell to the ground almost fainting once again but he contained himself. As a whole, he was healing faster. Water was his element, it was all around him and it was helping.

"I'll take it from here," said a familiar voice.

He lifted his gaze to see Samira that already packed ropes around Katharina's body. She seemed fine but Angel couldn't forget what happened only hours ago.

"I am not coming with you. I know it's dangerous. I will have Ju lock me in the basement with Katharina till it's over, but I thought you needed some help. I know it's hard to impose authority in front of a pack if you are... not the standard alpha, but me being there, will help with at least some pack members. I want to help because I want you to come back with Mila. What Michael does isn't right. I believe in you. Tell Kiril he should show no mercy and... Not die. I mean to kill him myself when the time comes."

Angel smiled and took her hand.

Only minutes later the first wolves showed on the horizon. In short time, it were dozens, then hundreds. Angel felt cold sweat on his brow.

"It is going to be fine," whispered Samira.

"Sure... I suppose I should just be myself?" asked Angel sarcastically.

"No. I wish being yourself would help because you are a great guy but many of them are jerks and brutes. Pretend to be the complete opposite of how you feel like being. This one time, be horrible, be a bit like Kiril."

This time his somber moon would be helping, also the weather. It was still raining.

After most wolves had gathered, some in their beast form some as humans, one of them, whom Angel didn't know, stepped forward. He was tall, broad, obviously older than Angel, and most probably a better fighter. By the way he spoke he was likely part of Kiril's initial pack.

"We are here because our alpha summoned us but I don't see him anywhere."

"I am to lead you into battle and we have to march now," said Angel as sternly and imposing as he could muster in himself.

"Who are you, boy? And why do you think I, or anybody for the matter, should listen to you?"

"Till recently you were used to being told what to do. By Michael Wittfeld," said another, this time from Samira's former pack, and part of the crowd started laughing.

"Is now Kiril telling you how to bend? Huh, Angelito?" Angel could recognize Rodrigo's voice anywhere.

The crowd laughed again and Samira was growling.

"Ok, so I am out of here," said the first man. "Tell Kiril that if he wants us to fight for him he should bloody show up himself."

"Yeah, what a joke. A summoning and after coming all the way we are met by... this."

The crowd gasped when Rodrigo's body was suddenly pierced by thousands of invisible weapons that made his skin explode into a singular bleeding wound across all his body.

Nobody made a sound for solid minutes.

"We are going to march now. We are going for a surprise attack so move silently and don't do anything until I command you," said Angel.

They all bowed their heads and obeyed.

"That was... very Kiril-like," said Samira a tiny bit frightened.

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