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Nebulous clouds scattered across the sky competed for space. The morning was blessed with a curious sun ready to pounce on the vague clouds.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and let it adjust with the light. His eyes were swollen and sore, head aching to its brim. He gently pulled away from his husband's strong grasp after a minute full of struggle.

He ran straight into the washroom and did his morning routines. He sneaked from inside to check whether Jungkook is sleeping as he forgot to take any clothing material.

He seemingly shivered, drapping the small wet towel around him. He staggered towards his wardrobe, trying hard to cover his bare body with the little piece of cloth he had.

He opened the closet door and was hunting for his inner wears was when his drapped towel slipped and joined the floor. The sudden exposure to coldness made him shiver and he toiled to wear his panties and bra.

When he couldn't do more to clasp his bra hook, an exasperated sigh went out from his pouty lips. Then it all happened in a sudden motion.

Two warm hands clutched at Taehyung's curves and the partially naked man screamed silently with stuttering breath.

"You really turned into a real tease overnight huh." Husky voice whispered near Taehyung's cold ears.

The older whimpered loudly, with his palm covering Jungkook's warm hands.

Jungkook sensually kissed Taehyung's nape and his eyes hungrily traced the water droplets flowing from the older's chin to his cleavage.

Jungkook's nose nudged the wet skin of the older's back and smelled the strawberry scent to its fullest. On the other hand Taehyung was hyperventilating, his chest heaving up and down and he was scared for his life when he saw his bra cup is slipping down from his boobs.

Suddenly Jungkook took his hand from the other's curves and pulled the bra straps and hooked it for him. Jungkook moved back muttering sorry and that is when Taehyung admitted that he won't let the younger misunderstand the situation again.

Taehyung held his hand tightly and pulled him into a hug. Jungkook shivered in lust when he felt the coldness of the older's body radiating to his clothed one.

" I love you Jungkook-ie." Taehyung said while his lips pressing onto the younger's cheeks.

He then grabbed Jungkook's warm palm and put it on his ass.

"And I'm all yours. You can touch, mark, carve your name in me without any hesitation." Taehyung said promisingly, looking at his husband's bambi eyes.

Jungkook gulped observing the older. His hands became numb, placed on his man's pretty ass. He badly wanted to squeeze it but something in him abstained from doing so.

Jungkook neglected his wild heart and took his hands away from the other, maintaining a slight distance.

When Jungkook ran to washroom, Taehyung felt like a failure.

I might have crossed my limits. I shouldn't have made such a move. Taehyung thought sadly and looked for something to wear.

When he bent to pull his pants up, he was hoisted up by his muscle bunny and dropped him on to the mattress. Jungkook climbed on top of him.


Taehyung looked at him innocently forgetting how to respond properly.

" I only went to brush, baby." Jungkook said while resting his nose on the crook of other's neck.

Taehyung's mouth formed an O shape and adjusted himself to accommodate his bunny's head in his neck. He traced Jungkook's mullets slowly and tugged at it when Jungkook grazed his teeth on his collar bone.

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