¹⁴ legally

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" Irene, you better leave my office premises before I call the security." Jungkook coldly said while his eyes glued to the computer screen.

" I came because your mother asked me and I'm in literal need of a fuck. I thought you can have the privilege to have me even before our marriage." Irene scoffed and stood behind him in a tight bodycon dress. She sensually started to massage his shoulders which made Jungkook halt on whatever things he has been doing.

He leaned back on the chair and relaxed his posture. She got her hands to unbutton his shirt and slowly kneaded his neck.

Jungkook took his phone while seemingly enjoying her small scale massaging.

" Jackson, I need Irene out of my office . Right now." Jungkook said loudly and stood up buttoning his shirt and went out of his office. He waited until the security came and escorted her to the exit area.

After a few hours of work, he relinquished his efforts to keep down his hungry self and went to the nearby Café to have a drink.

It was then, he got a call from Jimin.

It's been four days since her funeral and Jimin went to Daegu two days before. Later then he hadn't heard about Taehyung. The younger tried to call him but no one answered. When he visited, he was informed by the neighbors that they have gone outside. He waited around for an hour and then got back to home withered.

He pressed the accept button and then waited for Jimin to talk. A screeching sound welcomed him first and then a panic stricken Jimin yelled his name which almost made Jungkook spilled his coffee.

" Jungkook, I want you to go and get Taehyung from that bloody house right at this moment." The younger is already paying when Jimin mentioned Taehyung's name.

" Is everything okay ? He didn't take my calls." Jungkook hurriedly walked to his car.

"Because he was fucking being in a house arrest. Oh my God. Fuck my interview. I shouldn't have left him alone there. He called me Jungkook and he was screaming for help. Please get him fast." Jimi
was panicking so was Jungkook.

Jungkook ended the call after promising he would make Taehyung safe and reached Kim's residence in a swoosh.

Every lights in the yard was lit and heavy metal music was hearing from inside.

" What the fuck is happening here?" Jungkook ran inside as the door was open ajar. There were few men and women sitting on the couch drinking alcohol and chatting to each other in a sultry tone.

He saw a few of them making out in a corner as he frantically searched for Taehyung.

He was questioned by a few sober men but he avoided them and ran to Taehyung's room.

His breath got hitched when he saw Taehyung wearing an almost transparent lingerie with his hands tied on his back and mouth being stuffed with cloth and is being harrased to dance with some other wild men.

His face was tear stained and eyes are as red as blood. Jungkook trudged warily to him and knocked down the guy who stood next to Taehyung whose hands were pressed on the older's navel.

All Jungkook saw was red and Taehyung looked relieved once he registered the familiar face. Jungkook nearly killed those men. He pushed each one of them outside the room and attended the hysterically crying male.

He untied his hands and removed the soaked cloth from his mouth and hugged him.

" Ko...kookie.." Tae hugged him ever so tightly and cried.

" It's okay. I'm here and you are coming with me." Jungkook soothingly circled other's back and patted until he calmed down.

" Th..they won't let me. But I'm af...afraid to be here." Tae sobbed.

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