Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 Only Xiao took one look, and he couldn't move away...

    There was a lot of noise about the retreat.

    However, the two of them avoided the paparazzi's short guns in Xie's mansion. They ate and watched movies every day. If the weather is good at night, they can watch the stars at the waterside pavilion. No matter how boring, Hu Yaoyao let Xie Zhenghua Type, take her for a drive at night.

    After that, it was a happy double repair time.

    The two expressed their satisfaction with this, and outsiders could never imagine the happiness of staying at home.

    During the period, Su Rouqing and Jiang Yueshuang came to visit, and the three little sisters chatted back and forth, that is, those topics.

    Su Rouqing is fine, her relationship with Hu Yuanqing is developing very smoothly, if nothing happens, Hu Yaoyao is her future sister-in-law, with dual identities, most of the chats are meant to be joking.

    Jiang Yueshuang was different, one was her best friend, and the other was her idol, now that her best friend and idol were together, they all quit the circle, as a single dog, she suddenly felt unbalanced.

    Especially when she saw...

    "Knock, knock——"

    "Come in."

    The door of Hu Yaoyao's bedroom in Xie's house was opened, and Xie Zheng held a fruit plate in one hand and a drink cup in the other, smiling slightly: "Talk to me!" Are you tired? Let's moisten your throat with some fruit."

    "Yeah, thank you." After the

    things were placed on the table, Hu Yaoyao leaned out from the bed and kissed Xie Zheng's side face.

    The young couple should be used to such intimacy at home. Xie Zheng turned around and kissed the tip of her little nose, and walked out briskly. Looking at her from behind, she always felt that she was a little floating.

    "Ah! My eyes, my eyes." As soon as

    the door closed, Jiang Yueshuang fell on the bed, covering her eyes and crying loudly: "Why are you both out of singles, and now you are coming to abuse me as a single dog. I die Now, what good is it for you! If you have a good relationship, you will both get married in the future, what should I do if you keep me alone. "

    When a dog dies, no young couple is innocent.

    She was almost blinded by these two people.

    Su Rouqing: "...?"

    Hu Yaoyao: "...?" It's none of

    their business! If you have the ability, you should get out of the order as soon as possible.

    The two looked at each other, and when Jiang Yueshuang was still crying about the lack of human rights for single dogs, they both showed evil smiles, and then rushed forward, scratching Jiang Yueshuang's itch.

    For a moment, the room was full of laughter and laughter, mixed with Jiang Yueshuang's mournful cry for help.

    Outside the door was Xie Zheng who had not gone far after delivering the fruit plate.

    Listening to the noise of play inside, the displeasure in his heart because of Hu Yaoyao being taken over by others gradually disappeared, thinking about the few joking words he heard sporadically, his eyes darkened.


    Time is an intangible thing, but everyone can feel the changes it brings at any time.

After passing, the little fox fairy became popular with her acting skillsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin