Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 It's Exciting!

    Hu Yaoyao was not discouraged even if the seduction failed. Compared with the Xie Zheng who was like a banished fairy before, the current Xie Zheng is much easier to get close to. One day, there will be a day when the iceberg can be melted. .

    With such an idea in mind.

    In the next few days, Hu Yaoyao ran to the door as if nothing happened, and every time she left, she asked someone to send some gifts over.

    Sometimes it’s a snack, sometimes it’s a takeaway, sometimes it’s a popsicle, and sometimes it

    ’s a bouquet of flowers.

    "Are you sure you delivered it right?"

    Chen Yi froze in place as he watched the delivery boy holding a large bouquet of roses in front of him. The takeaway boy was exhausted holding a large bouquet of roses on a hot day, he lowered his head to check the location again and again, nodded heavily and said: "Yes, this is what the customer asked for, Mr. Xie, right?"

    "Yes, that's right, that's... "

    That's right, you took the things, I left beforehand." The

    takeaway boy waited for this sentence, threw the bouquet into Chen Yi's hand, and ran away in a hurry.

    Chen Yi walked into the dressing room with flowers in his hands and asked, "Sir, do you see this?"

    Xie Zheng, who was used to the little demon who started giving gifts recently, raised his eyes slightly, with a strange expression on his face. When did you prepare for sending flowers?

    Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Xie Zheng said lightly: "Well, put it on the table to keep." After

    all, it was a gift from a small thing. Even though Xie Zheng didn't feel any surprise about this kind of thing, he had to say He just doesn't like the situation.

    One sent as a matter of course, and one received as a matter of course.

    Chen opened his mouth and finally swallowed back the words he was going to say.

    I've seen people chasing people to give roses, but usually it's men who give roses to women. Why do you feel that the positions of Mr. and Ms. Hu are reversed?

    "Xie Zheng, do you like the flowers I gave you?"

    After the play at noon, Hu Yaoyao wiped the sweat from her forehead and rushed to Xie Zheng's side. As soon as she entered the door, her eyes were squinted by the blowing cold air up.

    Xie Zheng handed over a cup of cold drink.

    Hu Yaoyao took it with a smile on her face, and took two deep breaths into her stomach, only then did she feel that the hotness all over her body had subsided. When she saw the bouquet of roses being raised intact, she was still happy after all.

    "The two of us will have a scene in the afternoon, do you want to play against each other before the filming starts?"

    Hu Yaoyao bit the soft pearl in her mouth and sent out the invitation, shifting all her attention from Xie Zheng to the script.

    After all, it is different from the team I prepared before. Now the whole crew will not support her. If something goes wrong, I have to do it all over again. The one before her break was caused by a mistake because she was afraid of the heat, and she had to reshoot four or five times. of.

    If it's still like this in the afternoon, she must go crazy.


    Xie Zheng replied.

After passing, the little fox fairy became popular with her acting skillsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora