Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 I have admitted that we are friends, and I am far away from my girlfriend...

    In the end it was my own brother, except for a few questions at the beginning, the rest of the questions were all related to Hu Yaoyao.

    For example, whether life is good, whether the assistant is dedicated, whether the crew wears small shoes, etc., if there are, tell him, he will definitely help find the place.

    "It's nothing, the crew took good care of me, and the director is also very kind, so don't worry."


    Hu Yuanqing replied, and then pointed to Ouyang Xu next to him: "Then you What are you going to do?"

    "What are you going to do? Cold salad, you can just pretend that he doesn't exist."

    "Then how about it, he lied to you for so long, money and resources matter, who knows him..."

    Hu Yuanqing said Half of them can't say anymore.

    Whether in love or marriage, girls are always the ones who suffer the most.

    He, Hu Yuanqing, is just such a younger sister, who was willing to die or live for Ouyang Xu before, and she did not hesitate to fall out with her family and live outside. If Hu Yaoyao is now attracted to Thaksin, it must be said that she did not pay for Ouyang Xu in the past few months. Sincerely, he was a million in disbelief.

    Who knows if this man took advantage of her?

    "Ah! Brother, that's what you're talking about."

    Seeing the embarrassment in Hu Yuanqing's eyes, Hu Yaoyao smiled and said, "Don't worry, he didn't take advantage of him when we were dating. He has someone in his heart and doesn't like it." Me."

    Hu Yuanqing: "..."

    Hu Yuanqing became even more angry.

    His sister is so beautiful, why should Ouyang Xu look down on her? He is obviously blind.

    Thinking so, Hu Yuanqing simply dragged Hu Yaoyao outside and chatted in another place, staying under the same roof with Ouyang Xu, he felt that the air was polluted.


    "Boss, what should he do?"

    Wu Zheng pointed at the man with a perplexed expression on his face.

    Hu Yuanqing turned his head and glanced at Ouyang Xu, somewhat in a dilemma.

    Although Qingya Entertainment has just started, funding is not a problem. On the surface, Qingya Entertainment does not have many artists, but the foundation is steady and steady. The professionals hired cost a lot of money. One of the company's start-up projects.

    Subsequent TV self-made movies, animation, including a series of IP development...

    What Hu Yuanqing wants to do is not just as simple as being an entertainment company.

    While on a business trip some time ago, he traveled all over the country for the sake of theaters. The purpose was to find out the major domestic theaters before shooting the self-produced film. But if this matter is to be done, there are a few big families with strong foundations in the capital that cannot be avoided.

    Ouyang's family is one of them.

    If Ouyang Xu was still a poor boy before, Hu Yuanqing would have a thousand ways to make this boy unable to get along in the capital.

After passing, the little fox fairy became popular with her acting skillsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ