29> Another Ruined Moment

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Tiffany nodded and pumped up her chest in confidence, trusting herself that she would be able to make it perfectly. She happily headed to the kitchen to start searching for the ingredients she needed such as the fettucini, cream, a can of condensed milk, cheese, etc. Condensed milk milk?? Yes Tiffany was actually huffed when she saw that she ran out of a carton of milk and the nearest market was 15 minutes from here. She thought that full cream could replace the milk she supposed to use, or can it?

She started to boil the water using a big pan and got the other ingredients ready while waiting for the water to boil. She put in the pasta into the pan using her left hand while her right hand occupied to warm up the oil on the frying pan. So to make it short, she wasted approximately an hour to make the pasta. She didn't bother to try it first for she was totally sure that it would be amazingly delicious. However she felt slightly regret seeing the amount of food she made. Yes, just like the chef said she made it exactly for 4 persons. But then again since she was confident enough, she thought that Taeyeon would gladly finish it all.

The last touch was to grate a hunk of cheese on top of the pasta to make it more beautiful and tasty. The smoke came out from the hot food smelt so well, it smelt creamy and yummy or that's what she thought. She didn't bother to move the food into a smaller plate in case Taeyeon wanted more than a portion. She put it on the tray, didn't forget to add a glass of orange juice to accompany the pasta. She then walked back to their sharing bedroom to wake Taeyeon up and ask her to eat since it's already 4.30 pm. She groaned silently for the food was heavy and she forcely had to skip one of her favorite shows which was Dora and the Explorer. But since she did it for her loved one, Kim Taeyeon well she knew Taeyeon was much more important than Dora.

Tiffany put down the tray along with the foods on it on the coffee table near the big couch inside their sharing room. Tiffany then walked to the wardrobe to get a new clothes since the one she wore now was already had bad smell due to cooking earlier. After changed her clothes, she approached her future husband and sat beside the sleeping person. She took Taeyeon's left hand and admired the ring which decorated her fingers. She smiled dreamingly staring at it. She moved her left hand to interwine it with Taeyeon's left one. Unknowningly to her, Taeyeon was already woken up and saw every Tiffany's action from taking her hand until the brunette clasped their hands together.

"Fanny-ah.." Taeyeon tightened the hold on their hands.

"Agh!! You're scaring me, Tae!!" Tiffany took out her hand and slapped Taeyeon in reflex.

"Hehehehe,, You're surprised, didn't you?? So where's my food??" Taeyeon caught Tiffany's hand and nipped it playfully. Then the older girl fixed her position and sat up, resting her back on the bed post.

"Ah yeah, wait!! I'll bring the food~~" Tiffany got up and brought the foods to Taeyeon's place. She put the huge plate on the lamp table beside the bed.

"Wow, that's a lot, Fanny-ah. Did you cook it all for me?" Taeyeon in disbelief pointed at herself with her eyes opened widely.

"Yes, Taetae~~ This is the first time I ever cook for someone. Eh I even never cooked for myself, so it would also mean this is the first time I cook. So, you have to finish it okay?" Tiffany waited for Taeyeon's answer. The brunette was oblivious with Taeyeon who was just gulped her invisible saliva inside her throat.

"Eh?? O..of course, baby." Taeyeon stammeringly answered. Honestly, the first time Taeyeon saw what kindof food it was, she already had her eyebrows furrowed for it was indeed weird for a sick people to be fed carbonara. She expected Tiffany would make a simple one like porridge or if the brunette wanted to spend more effort, she should have been made chicken soup or yeah at least something like that. However as much as she respected Tiffany, she appreciated the effort Tiffany made for her and willingly wanted to eat the food. But, that was she thought before trying Tiffany's food.

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