Katsuki Bakugo ∣ Animal

Start from the beginning

"Okay guys! Everyone has arrived so now it's time for Karaoke and Music!" Music started to play and I grabbed Ochako's and Mina's hand and we started to dance.
After a few hours Momo took a microphone and checked if it was on while she stood at a big stage.

"Wow. Where did the stage came from..?" Kaminari beside me whispered.
"I have no idea, Kami..."
"Okay guys! I thought that maybe we could do karaoke on the stage." She looked with shining eyes at us so we couldn't really say no. After a few song Momo shouted my name and ran to me.

"Is everything okay Momo?"

"Yes I just want to ask you something." I looked at her with an lifted eyebrow and a very skeptical look.
"Maybe you could sing? You know for the end." I can say no.

"Oh Uh. You know that I don't like..."
"Oh please ,Y/n!"

Mina and several other girls came to me and looked with puppy eyes at me.
"We'll perform as background singers and Jirou could play the guitar." Ochako suggested.

I...can't say no...Shit...
"Which song should we sing?" The girls looked with slightly scary smirks at me.
"Uhh guys..?"

"Actually we thought that you could sing a song for your beloved boyfriend. We have a few songs but you should decide which is the best one." With a groan we made our way behind the stage and I chose a song.

That song should be good... I told the girls which song and they moved different instruments and microphones on the stage.

Why did I say yes again..?
"Okay guys! Y/n and the rest of us decided to perform a song! We hope that you like it!" Momo said while the rest if the girls walked on the stage.

"And if you don't like it, just keep it to yourself cause we know we are stunning and that anybody who says something different is lying." Mina said into her micro, which lead to a few chuckles in the crowd. Jirou counted to three and then everybody started to play there instruments.

I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control, control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know

I felt my nervousness vanishing.

I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control, control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know
I feel like I'm an animal

My eyes locked with the ruby red eyes from a certain blonde guy.

I feel like you could be my crazy lover

I remembered the time where he took me outside while it rained.
"Katsuki! We'll get all wet and maybe even sick."
"Come on ,Y/n. I know you want to go out! Have fun!" He laughed and dragged me outside on the streets. We only were only dressed in shirts and shorts. We laughed and danced in the rain while we completely forgot the time and everything around us. We just had fun.

'Cause every time we get a little bit closer

The memory of our third date flashed in front of my eyes. We also were with the others on a party. After the party we had some alone time at his house and well...
During the party we also kissed each other a lot and had pretty much body contact.

I lose my head and then my heart takes over

We studied at my home and I didn't know what came over me but I suddenly leaned in and kissed him. He didn't really mind my outburst and kissed me back while pulling me on his lap.

My heart takes over
My heart takes over
I feel like you could be the king of my kingdom

I imagined him sitting like a king on a throne while he stretched his hand out to grab me and pulled me on his lap.
He had a big smile on his face while he held me tight and ruled our kingdom.

So come on over if you're feeling vicious

The moments where he hovered over me and attacked me with aggressive kisses while an evil smile rested on his face, flashed through my mind.

I'll make you lose your head and inhibitions

A rare moment were he was really sad, was the next thing that flashed through my mind. His sore red eyes and his broken voice hurt me. I embraced him tightly and he surprisingly hugged me back. He lost his inhibitions in the moment were he cried in my arms without any signs of shame.

Yeah you're making me feel

I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control, control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know

This time I thought how we lay in bed and well, slept with each other. I was crazy after him and so it happened that I bit him several times. Lovingly of course... In that moment he was my prey and I was the dominant predator.

I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal

I come alive out in the wild
I come alive out in the wild

I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control, control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know

Memories with him and me flashed in my mind. How we kissed at McDonald's.
How we took pictures together and many more.

I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal

'Cause every time I lose control, control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know

With that the song ended and everybody cheered for us. I smiled and looked again at red eyes.
Katsuki had a proud smirk plastered on his face while he slowly clapped.
With a chuckle I gave Momo who suddenly stood beside me, the microphone.

"Thank you for listening guys! But please change in your pajamas now. It's past midnight and I think some of us are really tired. So this is the official end of the party. "
She took the microphone and went with the other girls and their instruments to another room.

After an hour everybody was in a room and sleeped or talked with somebody in their room for the night.
I haven't spoken wit Katsuki after my performance so I got up and went to a room that was hopefully his. With a knock I let myself in.

"Idiot is that you?" I saw someone sitting up on the giant bed.
"Yes, it's me." He turned on the light's and I was immediately blinded.

Ohh I'm blinded by the light's...
"Gosh, could you please turn off the light's?" With a click it was dark again and I made my way to his bed.

"What do you want?" Katsuki lifted his blanked while scooting to the side.

"Cuddles and thank you." He lay down again and putted an arm around waist as I lay down.

"Okay." The blonde guy pulled me closer to him and gave me a forehead kiss.

"Goodnight Suki" I snuggled deeper into his chest and drifted slowly off to sleep.

"You sang very good today, my idiot. I am very proud of you...I love you. Goodnight my precious boy." The last thing I felt were his soft lips on mine.

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