[ Chapter 48 : Cousins ]

Start from the beginning

" My family magic represents the element fire, literally the fuckin fire bird Phoenix " Rowena said and take a spoon of her pudding.

" Of course, you have the phoenix flame inside of you, your warm " I see Lumina lean against her and hug Rowena's arm.

" What doe she mean by that? " I asked and hold my mug of hot cocoa.

" Fire magic and phoenix flame is different, my sister and I was born with it inside our hearts " Rowena said.

" Is that why you have to control your emotions? " Travis asked.

" Ask me that again then you'll see emotions " Rowena glares at him.

" So what's the difference? " I asked then sip my my cocoa.

" Like what happened in the library, the phoenix flame burns everlasting and it's been in her family for millennials but not every family member has it " Lumina said.

" How do you know so much about my family? " Rowena asked and Lumina smiles up at her.

" It's written in history and the entire school knows about how you were born " Lumina said.

Rowena sigh and roll her eyes.

" Of course, house Vaitla will always tell their tale " she said.

" Hey " I flinched to a loud thump on the bench next to me and see Laurence who set down his bag on the floor.

He lift his legs and over the bench to sit down next to me.

" Sorry I'm late " he smiles at me and I smile back as he put down his tray of food.

He has snow all over him.

" Where have you been? " Travis asked.

" Spell class, it was held outside at the gardens " he said then brush off some snow on his shoulder.

" And he's not freezing his ass off " Lumina said as she keeps hugging Rowena while I sip my hot cocoa.

" Oh I'm cold, I'm really cold " Laurence said then grab my mug.

" Hey! " I said and he drinks.

I snicker and hit him with my elbow and he just drink it unbothered, I pick up my spoon to my bowl of soup.

" Oh, and one more thing " Laurence leans in closer to me as I raise a brow in question.

" There's something you need to know about the new transfer student-. . . "

" Well other than freezing to death " I hear a familiar voice and I look over the other side of Laurence.

My eyes widened and she turns her head to me with a smile, I see the scar on her nose has faded but with certain lightning you can see it glisten a little.

" I would like to make new friends " she said.

" Paige?! " I asked.

" Hi, cousin. . .and other cousin " she turns to Rowena.

" What the hell are you doing here? " I asked.

" Well, can't you tell?, I transferred here and we had fun in spell class, didn't we Laurence? " She turns to Laurence with a smile and she holds his hand on the table.

" Y-yeah " he takes her hand off his.

" Oh wait, your Y/n's cousin?, And Rowena's cousin too? " Lumina asked.

" Apparently " Rowena said.

" What can I say?, Family stays together am I right? " Paige keeps smiling.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now