[ Chapter 45 : Peace & Quiet ]

Start from the beginning

" Very mature Y/n " Declan said, I nodded.

" I got you " I laugh.

" Why are you even looking at our asses?, Got none of your own? " Yeshua asked, I stop laughing to gasp and they all laugh instead.

" Well at least I'm not a dickhead! " I exclaim.

" Don't be mad, you started it " Faris shrugs and I roll my eyes.

He's not wrong about that.

~ Time Skip ~

" Puppy! " I kneel down and the white husky dog runs to me.

I shriek and giggle as he start licking my face.

" Your like Scouts! " I giggle as he keep licking me.

I push his face away and pet him as he start sniffing me.

" Hello, who are you? " I asked and he keeps smelling me.

" Alexander sit " I look up as Derek approach and Alexander sit down in front of me.

" He's better than Scouts " Derek said and I raise a brow at him.

" What?, At least he doesn't swallow fairies " he said, I laugh and get up from the floor.

" I'll play with you later " I pet him then follow Derek inside the house.

The entrance is different and by that I mean a big difference, this place is bigger than mom's place.

" I knew it " I turn around to mom.

" What? " She asked as Yeshua walk pass her.

" Should've married Derek earlier " Yeshua said as he look around the same time.

" That's what I've been saying! " I exclaim and mom scoff.

" Our marriage arrangement will happen tonight over our date " Derek smiles and I see mom blushes.

" No ceremony? " I asked.

" There's no need one, just sign the papers and some vows that's all " mom said.

" Oh fuck, I wanted some snacks " I said.

" Declan and Celeste room is already prepared upstairs you should know which is which, as for the others, you may pick whichever room you'd like " Derek said.

" You live here with only two children? " Faris asked.

" Yes " Derek said.

" All this space to yourself, now that's a dream house " Faris said.

" I'm getting the biggest room! " I see Yeshua sprint upstairs.

" Hey! " Eli and Faris runs up the stairs.

" And I thought he's the mature one out of all of us " I said, Declan snickers.

" You'd be surprise how often he plays around during training " he said.

" I guess I'll never know " I said.

" Let's go to our room then " Celeste grabs Declan's hand and they walk up the stairs together.

I see Elliot is holding Lulu next to Alexander and I assume he's introducing them together, maybe I should do that with Fluffball. I walk down this big foyer and to the parlor to see it's not bad either, pretty warm too and I walk up to the piano in the corner. Pressing the highest note down to the next four keys, looking out the window I can see a part of the town here, not as crowded as the one back at the old house.

I turn around and keep looking around until I approach the portrait hanged on the wall. I only see Derek with his son and daughter but no picture of his previous spouse, I suppose it's a sensitive subject to be mention so I won't.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now