one hundred

24 0 0

Louis Tomlinson
My eyes open with a loud gasp and I start heaving my chest. My heart hurt and my body was aching like crazy. I first notice the bright lights above my head, and it almost blinds me. The soft sound of a steady beep, and the smell of pure bleach, is all I can sense.

I open my eyes and look down.

In my vein, I had a needle, connected to an IV, and a clip over my finger to test my heart rate, which is the beeping I can hear. I was in a white hospital gown, and i had white sheets over my legs.

I look to my left and I see my converses on the chair next to me, but that was it. I then go to get up, using my chest muscles which makes me yelp in pain. with my free hand, I reach under the sheet and grab the bottom of the gown, and pull it up so I could see my chest.

I widen my eyes at the big white patch over my chest, just under my left chest area. It was really painful.

Was I shot?

It all comes back, as I slowly lower the gown and think about it. I remember London, Harry, and Amelia all being in the same room as I was tied to poles as they beat me up, and then shot me. Well, my father shot me.

My jaw clenched and my head was pounding. I needed to get out of here. How I survived a shot? I have no idea. I didn't even k ow how I got here, everything's blurry.

What I do know is I don't know where London is.

Maybe she's waiting out in the hall?

I instantly, take the peg off my finger, and I reach for the needle. "Mr. Tomlinson." I hear someone and they grab my hands.

"Let me go." I go to push them, but I couldn't. Because my nurse was female, and I can't hit females, no matter what.

"Stay calm." she says and I shake my head.

"i need to get out of here."

"You've been shot, you need days to recover."

"No I don't. I'm fine."

"I can't let you leave."

"Where's London?"

"You're in the hospital. London is ages away. Do you have family in London?"

"No, not the city." I shake my head and she furrows her brows and I sit up completely. "My..girlfriend." I label us, it saves me having to explain everything, but I love saying it, I want her to be my girlfriend.

I love her.

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Yes. London Reed."

"I'm sorry, no one has been here."

I don't really care, I just wanted London. "But you need to stay here." she lays me down and I lay back, thinking the worse of what happened to her. She clips it back over my finger and I shake my head.

"I can't stay here, I need to fine her—" I go to get up.

"I will sedate you, if you do not calm down. I can't let you leave, you're in critical condition."

"I don't give a fuck!" I snap. "I need to find her!"

"Dr. Ray." I hear and we both look up and my stomach drops. "I'll take it from here." A man said. She just nods and walks out. "You survived?"

I breathe heavily. This man was tall, black hair and a robust body. He looked like someone who worked for my father. I swallow.

"You shouldn't be alive. I should kill your right now. However, I found out your girl London, is pregnant."

My eyes shoot open to wide. My empty stomach drops again, and my lips part in shock. He smirks before he cracks up laughing. "You should see your face!"

I glare at him and if I didn't have a needle in my arm, stitches in my chest and a empty stomach, I would beat this guy to death.

"Don't fucking do that!" I snap, restraining every part of me not to launch at him.

"Cute. Get up." He says, pulling the needle out my arm and tosses the chord on the floor and my arm starts hurting and bleeding. "Get dressed."

"Why?" I ask.

"We're seeing someone."

"Is it London? What have you done to her!"

"Oh shut up, Tomlinson." He rolls his eyes and puts a circle plaster on the tiny hole where the needle was. I had to take a risk here. If it means I can escape then I can go find London. I swing my legs over the bed and feel the cold floor under my feet and I slowly stand up, feeling sore and lightheaded. He throws black pants at me, and then a white singlet.

"What are these?"

"A change of clothes. Get dressed." He stands near the door, crossing his arms so I couldn't leave. I decided that this was better than nothing, and put them on, taking my time with my top.

Once it was on, I reach over for my shoes and I slide those on. I was literally wearing no underwear. He walks over and grabs my arm and pushes me out the halls, and I felt my chest pain.

He drags me to an emergency exit and pushes me against a black car and so furrow my brows. "What are you doing?"

A white cloth gets pushed against my mouth and nose and I instantly knew what it meant. I gasp and start kicking, holding my breath, but the using the energy I didn't have, and the pain just made my eyes heavy, and the chloroform on the cloth made it worse until my eyes went heavy, and all I could hear again, was my heartbeat in my ears.


Flashing lights, angry people, chains, keys, dogs barking, shoes scraping, handcuffs.

My eyes lazily open as they surround me as I get dragged into what I think was a prison. I look at the floor and the tips of my shoes were squeaking on the floor and my chest aches.

"Fresh form the hospital." I hear one say.

"Thank you." one nods, pressing something to my back. I drop my head and they place me on a steel bed, with a foam sheet with a plastic pillow. I hear a heavy close, and then a sound of locking.

"What's your name?" I hear and so lazy turn my head.

"Louis." I say, rasping as I rub my eyes.

"You'd better be careful here." he says, turning a page of a book. This guy was massive. His arms were sting and you could see his acts ne chest muscles through his shirt. "They won't deal with your shit."

"I didn't do anything.." I whine. I literally felt like crying. "I have been torched, shot at, drugged and dragged here." I say and he laughs.

"Rough." he sits up, facing me. He was wearing the same as me but he had better shoes. "William."

"You're name is William?" I say in disbelief.

"Yep." he nods.

"Oh god." I close my eyes and keep them closed, I was so tired. "My girlfriends ex's name is William."

"You got a girl?"

"Oh yeah." I nod.

"What's her name?"

"London." I say and he nods.

"What's she like?"

"She's the best." I smile to myself.

"Lemme guess, she had no idea where you are?"

I freeze for a moment and realise. "No...she doesn't..."

"Don't feel to bad, she might visit." he starts doing push-ups on the floor.

I swallow and shake my head. She won't visit, she doesn't know where I am. How can she visit if she doesn't know I'm here? I miss her already.

I should get to know this place, so I can oma my escape plan.

if it isn't clear, he gets drugged so he doesn't know where he is.

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