twenty seven

122 2 0

London Reed
I decided that after my events with Louis in the lounge room, I decided to have a shower. I needed to shave and wash my hair. I couldn't get Louis off my mind again like always. As I finished shaving my body, I felt the presence of someone behind me and it made me scream out in startle.

Louis stood behind me and furrowed his brows and he was also fully naked. "You good?" he asks.

"Don't act like you didn't just pop out of no where!" I hold my breath in my hands to prevent him from seeing anything, I didn't care about my ass being on show. "Why didn't you ask?"

"I knew you'd say no, besides, I've gotta talk to you,"

"You couldn't wait until after?" I still face my front away from him.

"Why are you being so secretive, it's nothing I haven't seen before," he says and I roll my eyes. "Okay fine, I should've asked," he admits and it makes me huff.

"Well..." I sigh. "You should have," I shake my head.

He holds my lips from behind and he sighs. "Can you look at me?"


"Because I need to talk to you," he says. I look at the floor, water running into the drain.

"This hasn't got anything to do with the lounge room events does it...?" I need to ask because I don't think I'd be able to talk about it.

"No...why?" he asks, still holding my hips. "Do you regret it?"

"What? No?" I say, maybe to quickly. He moves his hands and I hear him sigh.

"It's not, okay? Look, I'm sorry if you feel like you should regret it, and I didn't mean to...pressure you into doing it either,"

"I don't regret it," I shake my head.

"Then why won't you look at me?" he murmurs. I just don't want him to see me naked. Yes we've had sex and all but it's different. "If your scared of me seeing you naked, it's nothing I haven't seen before and...I think your perfect," he murmured and whispered the last part but it made me look up at the wall. I swallow and keep my arms wrapped around my chest and I slowly turn around.

I meet eyes with him, his eyelashes longer and clumpy from the water. His blue eyes were so vibrant on the lighting and his eyes widen a little when I looked at him. I looked at his chest, water cascading down his chest and over his tattoos and it made his skin gleam.

He picks my chin up with his finger and I meet eyes with him. "Are you okay? You've been...out of it,"

"I'm okay," I nod. "I was just trying to wash myself and my hair know,"

"Well...we can do that,"

"I came in here to do it myself.."

He rolls his eyes. "I get it, I should've asked,"

"Yeah, you should have," I nod. He looks at my chest and ignores, but furrows his brows. "What?"

"Why are your arms like that?"

"What? Crossed?" I ask and he nods. "Ever heard of this thing called privacy?"

"I've seen you naked before,"

"I know you have," I nod. "I just...I didn't expect you to be in here,"

He sighs and reaches over for the bottle of shampoo, putting some into his hand. He then slaps it on my hair and starts to rub it in, bubbles start to form from the water. He runs his hands through my hair, spreading it to the ends of my hair. Once it was all rubbed in, he turned me so my ass was against his hips and I could feel everything but he didn't make it sexual.

He rinsed out my hair softly, kissing my shoulder and I look over my at him. I remove my arms and I look down, his hands reaching to wrap around my lower stomach. I felt his naked hips press onto me and he for once wasn't hard around me, it was strange.

He puts his chin on my shoulder and squeezes me for a second. I put my hands on his arms and my head dips forward. "I've got to go out later tomorrow, and I know you're gonna argue but you can't come with me, okay? Erin's back and she's been at home with Zayn for a little but you guys are
gonna stay here with each other because this has stuff to do with Zayn and I. Is that okay?"

I just nod softly and he rubs conditioner into my hair, into my scalp and on my roots. "And after that, I have to go to this stupid party that I don't even want to go to but I have too and you can't come with me because it's full of dangerous men and I can't risk you getting hurt. Just please stay here and don't argue,"

"I won't," I whisper, over the water.

"You won't?" he pulls away and I turn around with my hands around his neck now.


"You can come with me with some just not any of these, okay?"

I nod. "It's okay,"

He flicks his eyes over me, pressing his lips to mine and I don't even get time to kiss him back. He pulls away and flicks his eyes over mine. "Are you sure that's okay?"

"Yeah," I nod. "You actually told me and not just left me here with no explanation," I smile. He flicks his eyes back over my face and he smiles too. "I actually need to talk to you about something else,"

"Like what," he cups my lower back to the point where his hands were almost on my ass.

"Do you think...this is moving to fast?"

He freezes and blinks at me with his clumpy eyelashes, letting go of me and running his hair back and because of the water, it pushed all the way back. "Yes," he admits. "I've hardly gotten to know you,"

I nod softly.

"But you know what? I know enough about you to live with you, and if us living together means we fuck
around then who cares? We are out own people, I don't give flying fuck if people say we're moving to fast. You have to do what I say, and if that means we have sex are you now gonna argue about it?"

"No,"'I shake my head. "I like having sex with you,"

"Well so do I, so peoples opinions don't matter to me how fast we're moving. I don't think much of sex anyway, it's all unmeaningfull to me anyway," he shrugs and I drop my eyes cause it hit a little deep.

I just forget that Louis and I aren't the same person. I think sex has meaning and I definitely don't just have it with a person to prove I'm something better than what they think, I try to have sex with people I want and the person I always want is Will, but thinking back, sex with Will is nothing compared to Louis.

Louis just fucks you and shrugs you off his shoulder while I want to be able to see them experience the pleasure they're giving but that isn't the case with Louis and I wish I could prove him wrong about feeling each other intimately without being in front of him.

And I agree with Louis, I do agree this is moving fast but I also agree that I don't care what people say. If I had the chance, I probably wouldn't have slept with him yet but I knew I had to, just a gut feeling. I kinda forced myself to have sex with Louis but I kinda just melted into it after.

"You think so?"

"Oh yeah," I nod, still assuming he's talking about the moving to fast thing. He grabs my shoulders and spins me around, his hands sliding to my breasts and holds them on his hands, his hand covering my breasts. "What are you doing?"

"Just holding them,"

"You're a boob boy," I shake my head, he shifts his hips into my ass.

"I like the ass too, you wait until I fuck you in the ass,"

I widen my eyes. "Wait what!"

"Kidding!" he snickers and I shake my head. "Kinda.." he whispers into my neck. "You'd be nice to fuck in the ass," he snickers and I just roll my eyes.


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