ninety three

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London Reed
When I see Louis mouth three words I never thought I'd ever see him say, I hear a loud bang and my jaw drop. There was a man behind me, holding under my chin tightly, and his arms around me to keep me still, and holding my head to watch him die in front of me.

I drop my jaw as he drops his and his head falls forward. Harry wanted to go to Amelia but he was also being held back. "Louis!" she screams and I just let a strained noise out as tears fill my eyes, already dripping down my cheeks.

I freeze in shock as I watch blood literally drop off his chest and I then let out a sob, dropping my head. "Get off me!" I screamed, suddenly finding energy to shove him off me, and he stumbles back. I just up with tears down my cheeks, and I race over to him.

"Louis," I say shakily. I lift his head up and his eyes were barely open, I sob and hold his head, before I felt more arak on me, picking me up. "Get off me!" I scream, and my hands get ripped away from his, so his head falls forward again. "Louis!" I scream loudly and cry, kicking and squirming.

"Shut up!" one says, the one behind me. "He's dead, and he deserves it, let's hope we don't put you in the same position!" he threats but I only care about Louis at this time.

I drop my head and sigh, Harry had now scooped Amelia into a hug as she hugs him tightly, and she cries loudly into him, her knuckles turning white from how hard she was gripping his shirt.

I fall to my knees in front of Louis about 6 metres away, and I cry. I screw my eyes shut and cry, the most I've ever cried before. It was just like the time Coke was killed in front of me, it's the same feeling but worse.

Because I love him, this is so much worse though.

I never got to tell Louis I loved him, and I never will. When I went up to him, he was still alive but barely. He got shot right under his chest, near his stomach and I know for a fact that's not good.

I know he thinks this was the only way for my chance of a new life but I don't want anyone else but him. He's the only reason I actually enjoyed living in the real world as they call it, and I could never hate him for thinking of me but I wish he never signed me away.

I regret ever agreeing with him.

I could've talked to him about it, and I could've told him that I didn't want this, and that I want to be with him. Because I love him, and I wish I could've told him that I love him.

I now know he felt the same but he just never told me. I don't even know what to live for anymore. I wanted to save Louis so we could leave and we could be together.

"London.." I hear my name which makes me look up, I see two men undoing Louis' hands and chests him away, his head still dropped and a trail of his blood follows him. I cry as I watch and I couldn't move, my body was so tense I couldn't even move.

I look up and I see a guy standing in front of me, and I double inhale from it and I just cry. "Stop crying," he says but I scrunch my face yo and start crying again. "I mean it," he threatens and I could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"Stop.." I shake my head. "Don't tell me to stop caring!" I snap. I turn my head and I see Amelia sitting with her knees propped, one arm over her stomach and the other was holding her head up, taking deep breathes as Harry was sitting next to her, facing her.

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