seventy four

38 1 0

London Reed
I've been watching movies all day today, Cherry and I haven't moved from the couch pretty much. I've been eating without moving from the couch which is never good, but who cares. I had put on weight since I've been here, only because I can't go outside.
But I know Cherry's nagging to go outside, she scratches at the front door nowadays. But again, she was scratching at the door, and I was just wet hung the TV.

When Louis came home, he met eyes with me and were still awkward, but Cherry ran out the door and I saw her. "Cherry!" I yelp, and Louis looks down and behind him, trying to catch her but she runs out the door and I instantly feel panicked.

Louis and I look at each other and I keep my eyes widened. "Louis!" I gasp, and he didn't know what to do. "We have to go get her!" I rush past him and burst outside the door.

"Wait— London!" he calls back. I see her padding down the street, her tongue hanging out. It felt so good to get fresh air and it felt so good on my skin and in my hair. I hear Louis behind me, chasing after me.

I didn't have time to worry about the way the fresh air feels, before I was running on adrenaline to catch up to her. I start to pant as we come up to a corner. "London, come here!" Louis says, not sound like I'm in trouble.

But I stop when I turn the corner I stop and try to look down it but I don't see her anywhere. Louis catches up to me in his converses and breathes out a pant. I stand there and breathe out fear. "London.."

"Where is she?" I feel my voice about to crack, as I look around. Louis stands closer but he doesn't actually touch me considering we're still awkward. "Where would she go?" I panic and Louis just stands in format of me, making me look up T him.

"She's a small dog, she can't have gone far," he looks around too. "I'm sure she's..just around,"

"She's my best friend, where is she?" I whisper and Louis sighs. "I have to find her," I go to leave but he stops me.

"London, if your seen without me you'll get into trouble," he said, softly and looking at me like he's nervous for what he's gonna say. I stare at him, my eyes stinging.

"Let's not forget, this is your fault this happened," I shake my head in anger and fear that he let her run.

"I didn't do anything, I opened the door and she ran away, how is that my fault?" he asks.

"You opened the door?"

"I fucking live there? If your dog ran away when I opened the door then you clearly didn't look after her right?"

"Are you kidding me? I can't look after her? Louis, she's been wanting to go outside for ages, it's also not my problem you won't let her go outside, or me for that matter," I get angry.

"You know this, you know why you can't," he says back.

"Then take me to go look for her," I plead. "I won't sleep knowing she's somewhere out here. He huffs, and looks down, like he was thinking about it.

"Fine," he grabs my hand. "But we're driving-"

"Why can't we walk?"

"London, if you wanna get your dog, then we're driving, okay? I'm not negotiating that," he shakes his head and I huff, rolling my eyes

short chap im sorry <3

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